How to call out racism without destroying your relationships

illustration of a man comforting a white woman
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

Though it seems painfully obvious to some, the definition of racism isn’t so clear cut to others.

The idea that racism is always overt, like calling someone the N-word or being physically or verbally abusive, is prevalent.

But many people of colour will argue it’s more insidious and subtle than that.

Racism can manifest institutionally, through microaggressions, jokes, comments impinging on stereotypes, and even unwelcoming stares.

Though these experiences are not physically violent, they can leave lasting impressions on people of colour and make them feel like an outsider, that their sensibilities don’t matter and that they are not important.

For those on the receiving end of these prejudices, it’s difficult to call out especially where personal relationships are involved.

And where racism is called out in professional settings, it can have a detrimental effect on people’s careers.

One survey by People Management found that 95% of ethnic minority respondents had experienced occasional or persistent microaggressions during their career, compared to 16% of white respondents.

The same study found that ethnic minorities are also less likely to progress in their career.

In social settings, calling out racism means uncomfortable feelings and may even result in losing a friend.

So how do you gently call someone out in a way that doesn’t irreparably damage the relationship?

Illustration of a Black woman in countryside with white people looking at her
It can be difficult to call out problematic behaviours whether with your friends or family (Picture: Ella Byworth for

For 16-year-old Kiyara*, the insensitive comments from her step-dad make her uncomfortable.

He has made references to her Canadian Aboriginal ancestry in a derogatory way which has left her reeling.

She tells ‘My mum and I are Métis, but my step-dad insists on using words like “Indian, redskin” etc. I don’t know why but my mum just stands by and doesn’t do anything.

‘He also perpetuates stereotypes all the time but it’s more like thinly veiled racism. I’ve tried telling him that it’s really rude but he just brushes me off.

‘One time I even told him about a boy at school catcalling me and all he says are “well isn’t it true you Indian women are easy? You probably gave him that idea.”

‘He insists he’s not racist but he treats all POC differently than he does white people.

‘The comments really hurt my feelings and just make me uncomfortable. I’ve tried explaining it to him quite a few times but he just brushes me off and calls it a “joke”.’

Therapist and public speaker Marilyn Devonish says anyone hoping to call out racist behaviour may receive a similar, defensive response.

One of the most common responses her clients reference when unpacking an experience of confronting racism is: ‘Why now? I’ve been doing and saying this for years, and you’ve said nothing before!’

Letting things go in the past may have worked but Marilyn says it doesn’t mean it needs to continue.

She tells ‘Previously they have “let it go”, “sucked it up”, “not made a big deal about it”, and/or, depending upon your exposure and background, endured the sting of the often constant microaggressions.

‘But it’s not that everyone has suddenly woken up to racism or is looking for things, more that it has gotten to the point where enough is enough.

‘It can be a challenging issue because race speaks to the core of who we are as human beings, and can feel like an attack on our character or heritage.  Sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment, particularly where you cannot have that conversation again.

‘Those are the times where a decision has to be made about whether to walk away, or address the situation.

‘I always suggest taking a breath and possibly counting to ten to give yourself a chance to decide how best to proceed. Taking a deep breath clears your head. 

‘Then ask yourself what you would like to achieve?  Is it to raise a specific incident, open up a wider conversation, get an apology, clear the air, be heard, highlight and signpost, etc?.

‘I would encourage parties on all sides to be open to listening. 

‘If you’re white, be prepared to hear those of colour speak with some level of passion and emotion, and do your best not to take everything personally and retreat into a defensive huff.

‘Also avoid “Blacksplaining”, which is telling a black person how they should feel, what something means, or explaining away their experience.’

Even for white people trying to explain to other white people the implications of their speech and action, it can be difficult.

Jasper, 19, also has struggled to make his family see that certain behaviours are not acceptable but has been subject to ridicule or alienation.

He tells ‘I wrote a letter to my mother that tried to explain the situation as best as I could, and asked that she do some research using the resources I provided before trying to defend herself.

‘Her immediate response was to send the letter to the rest of the family, and then come confront me about how not racist she is. I asked her if she had looked at anything I sent, to which she hadn’t.

‘She still didn’t understand how it was possible she was racist since she “loves Black people.” Any information she read had just gone in one ear and out the other, but I attempted to explain that racism extends past the extremists, but she kept avoiding the topic and saying “Well you’re entitled to your opinion.”‘

Jasper eventually gave up but planned to keep trying with the rest of the family, however, that also didn’t work.

He added: ‘Since her initial response was to tell the entire family that I hated them, I had to deal with everyone at once instead of one at a time.

‘I already deal with a lot of anxiety, so my entire family thinking I randomly decided I don’t like them anymore certainly didn’t make me feel any better. Any attempts I made after all of this is just met with the excuse that I’m spending too much time talking to “people on the internet” and I’ve been brainwashed into some extremist ideology and nothing I say has any merit.

‘So at this point I’ve pretty much stopped trying to change their perspective, and just hope that they decide to educate themselves one day.’

Illustration of a woman looking back towards two other women having a coffee and walking
Even for white people trying to call out racism in their peers, it can be an alienating experience (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Cases like Kiyara and Jasper’s aren’t unique. Many people have been hurt by comments from their family members, friends, colleagues, and strangers.

And being expected to explain problematic behaviours also takes a toll on people.

Anti-racism campaigner and author of The Good Ally, Nova Reid, says ultimately your own peace of mind is most important.

She tells ‘Decide if the relationship is worth it. You do not have to be a martyr and challenge every instance of racism, especially if you are Black or a person of colour.

‘You may receive further racism, be gaslit, or be shut down and ignored by doing so. If you decide to engage think about if you want to give feedback at the moment, in private, or retrospectively on another day.’

Nova also has advice for white people who want to be an ally and call out racism themselves instead of relying on people of colour to do the job.

She adds: ‘If you’re white and giving feedback on another white person’s racism- share resources and invite them in to learn more. Say things like: “I often get it wrong too, but that’s part of the process – if you want to read more about it I found this really helpful check out XXX”.’

Therapist Hendrix Hammond also has similar advice which encourages people being told they’re being racist to be introspective and calm.

He tells us: ‘The means in which you engage people around a sensitive conversation like racism should always be from a place of non-judgment, curiosity and willingness to listen.

‘That is the first step to creating the space to have difficult conversations which can transform beliefs, behaviours and relationships.’

*Name has been changed.

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