Fewer people experiencing Imposter Syndrome while working from home, says study

Illustration of man giving cup to woman at work
A change in the physical workplace has had an impact (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

It looks very likely we will all be working from home for the next six months following the latest government announcements – which means many of us will go a year without seeing our colleagues.

But, it seems that the shift to remote working has had a positive impact on people’s confidence.

New research from Total Jobs has found that fewer people are now experiencing Imposter Syndrome, as a result of their WFH set up.

For those unfamiliar with the term, the psychological phenomenon refers to when an individual doubts their accomplishments or talents and has a persistent fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud’ or being ‘found out’ that they cannot properly do their job.

According to the latest study, which featured more than 2,000 workers in the UK, there’s been a 57% decrease in rates of Imposter Syndrome (compared with 2019), with just 30% of workers in 2020 finding themselves experiencing it.

Previously, imposter behaviours were being experienced by up to 70% of UK workers.

And, on the whole, it looks like the phenomenon is more common in younger generations, with just 21% of Baby Boomers feeling like ‘imposters’, compared to 48% of Generation X.

Dr. Terri Simpkin, associate professor at the University of Nottingham, has said that this reduction could be down to a change in the physical workplace itself.

‘The Imposter phenomenon is related to context and so if the context changes so can experience of Imposterism. It’s socially constructed so change the social circumstances and the experience may change too,’ says Dr. Terri.

However, it’s not all good news.

For those who are still experiencing the imposter-like feelings, lockdown has not helped the situation.

Around 40% of those experiencing imposter symptoms admit they’ve worked harder because of anxiety around the quality of their work and 39% say they’ve subsequently worked longer hours. What’s more, an additional 35% have avoided taking annual leave or even sick days – to ensure their own high standards are maintained.

In addition to this, 71% of those who have found themselves furloughed, laid off or made redundant in 2020 are experiencing Imposter Syndrome. People who have found themselves in these unfortunate scenarios may have seen it as a sign of personal failure, rather than a business decision – which is fuelling this damaging notion of ‘not being good enough.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/28/fewer-people-experiencing-imposter-syndrome-while-working-from-home-says-study-13336625/
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