Lesbian prayed for her ‘gay to go away’ over fears Catholic family would reject her for liking women

Megan Pulvermacher, 33, feared her parents would treat her differently if they ever found out she was a homosexual.
Megan Pulvermacher, 33, feared her parents would treat her differently if they ever found out she was a homosexual. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

A lesbian woman says she prayed for her gayness to go away over fears she would be rejected by her devout Catholic parents who believe homosexuality to be a sin.

Behavior and skills therapist, Megan Pulvermacher, 33, realised she was attracted to women in her early teens. However, growing up in a rural and deeply religious small town in Wisconsin, she hid her sexuality from her parents for 10 years, fearing they would treat her differently.

She had secret girlfriends at high school and at college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she still lives, and planned to keep her sexual preference hidden indefinitely. But, seeing that she was suffering from heartbreak, her mom made her tell the truth at the age of 23.

Megan said: ‘I think I realized I was gay in middle school. I did not have crushes on boys, and I tried to have boyfriends but I never wanted to kiss them or anything.

‘I just did it to fit in because my family are devoted Catholics, but I had secret girlfriends in high school and had to deal with a lot of guilt because of that.

‘I was heavily involved in church and was brought up to believe that being homosexual would be a threat to family life. My parents taught me that having a same-sex partner would go against god’s plan.

‘My understanding growing up was that gay people are bad people and I believed that for a long time. I could never picture a world where I could actually come out to my parents.

Megan Pulvermacher
Megan had a handful of girlfriends before her parents even knew she wasn’t heterosexual. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

‘I actually tried to pray my gay away and submitted confessions of my homosexuality to a priest because I believed I had sinned. My life would have been so much easier if I wasn’t gay.’

Megan is the eldest of two children to mom, Colleen, 60, and dad, Ed, 59, and has a brother, Mike, aged 25. As a child she grew up in Richland Center, Wisconsin, a small town renowned nationally as being deeply religious and populated by residents who follow Christianity and Catholic beliefs.

Throughout her childhood and into her teens Megan said she used to practice Catholicism and visit church regularly. As she learned more about the faith as she grew up, Megan recalls being led to believe homosexuality would lead to a depraved lifestyle and having a same sex partner would ‘defy God’s plan’.

Megan Pulvermacher
Megan Pulvermacher, front right, with her mom, Colleen, 60, left, her dad, Ed, 59, and her brother, Mike, 25. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

It wasn’t until Megan began to acknowledge she had an attraction to women, aged in her teens, that she started to question her beliefs and the Catholic ideology surrounding homosexuality. But despite her own self-awareness of her true sexual orientation, Megan said she was terrified her parents would ‘disown’ her if they ever found out.

‘My family’s views on homosexuality are not good and that’s because of their religion’, said Megan.

‘I was terrified they’d disown me and for a long time I wanted my homosexuality to go away. I hoped it was just a phase, just to make my life easier.

‘I was scared they would reject me on an emotional and support level, I have always wanted my family to be proud of me.’

But Megan said she came to realize her attraction to women was not just a phase and, in fear of how her family would react, continued to engage in relationships in secret.

She tip-toed around her parents right up until the age of 23, when her now ex-girlfriend, who Megan dated for more than two years, ended the relationship because of Megan’s refusal to reveal her homosexuality to her parents. The upsetting break-up paved the way for Megan revealing all to her parents, after almost 10 years of secrecy.

Megan, pictured left with friends.
Megan, pictured left with friends, was brought up to believe that acts of homosexuality outside of marriage are a sin, as a follower of the Catholic faith. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

Megan is now in a long distance relationship with Grace, 32, who lives in London and they’ve been together for 15 months. She spoke to Metro.co.uk for Pride Week to share her coming out story in a bid to encourage others to embrace their sexuality and be proud of who they are.

She said: ‘My ex asked me to pick between her or my family, and there was no way I was going to tell my parents, so our relationship ended. I was distraught, I wasn’t eating properly and it was obvious that something was wrong.

‘My mom picked up on my mood and just straight up asked me if I was in love with her. All I could do was apologize and I cried a lot, but my mom at first was very comforting.

‘My mom told my dad for me, but she said to me I may as well have slapped him in the face. He did not take it well at all. He could not wrap his head around it and told me he would pray for me.

‘Dad ignores the fact I am gay. It’s largely about them and they are more concerned about what people think of them and if people will think they failed as parents.

Megan Pulvermacher
Megan said she struggled to overcome fear and anxiety associated with telling her loved ones she is physically attracted to women and not men. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

‘When I first came out I felt very guilty and felt bad because I’ve always wanted to make them happy.’

Megan, who no longer follows the Catholic religion, said she suffered emotional stress and guilt in the months after coming out. She said she still has the full support of her family, even if they do not agree with her relationships.

Megan recalls suffering emotional stress and a feeling of loneliness after revealing the truth to her family and said learning to concentrate on her own happiness helped her to overcome anxiety associated with what other people thought of her.

She said: ‘I am done with trying to make other people happy. I felt like I failed my parents as their child, but when I sat back and thought about it, I came to realize the only thing that mattered was my own happiness.

Megan Pulvermacher, left, with her father, Ed, 59 and her mother, Colleen, 60.
Megan Pulvermacher, left, with her father, Ed, 59 and her mother, Colleen, 60. (Picture: Megan Pulvermacher/Metro.co.uk)

‘I figured out how to let go of my fears and always fact check what I do in life and if my happiness was based on fact rather than the beliefs of others, then I have nothing to worry about.

‘I am really happy now in my own self-acceptance. No one should be afraid of who they are and if I can overcome these challenges, then anyone can.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/22/lesbian-tried-pray-gay-away-fears-catholic-family-reject-gay-12842906/
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