My anti-racist mural went viral

In November 2019 I painted two hands forming a love heart. The left hand was based on a black person and the right was a white person, with the colour draining away into greys as the painting goes further down. 

My thought process was that when we remove colour, when we remove pigmentation, we are all grey underneath. We are the same, we are one human race. 

I’ve never disliked someone because they were a different colour, religion or background to me, but I’ve felt like there’s a narrative that white people should be worried when encountering certain types of people. I wanted to create a painting that provoked a question, an emotion, that challenged that perception.

The mural came to be after I was approached by a local charity called Diaspora Arts and Education, which uses art to fight racism. They asked me to create something on this theme, allocating me a wall in a subway in an area of Peterborough where there is a lot of racial tension.

I knew it well as my dad lived there in the 90s. On one occasion, I was held up in an alley and told I needed to have a passport for walking these streets as a white boy.

It wasn’t until I started secondary school that I fully understood racism and saw a clear divide between groups of people. As I got older, I started spending time with people I had previously been told I should be ‘concerned’ about, only to realise how wonderful they are.

There is good and bad in all colours and religions but my own experiences helped me see the truth. My mural has a message I truly believe in, based on the interactions I’ve had personally.

An anti-racist mural in Peterborough of a black hand and white hand forming a love heart
It’s been beautiful for me to engage with so many strangers in person and online about how this piece made them feel (Picture: Joe Giddens/PA Wire/PA_Images)

I was alone for most of the time when I was painting, though at one point I had groups of men on both sides of the subway watching me, speaking in languages I didn’t understand.

As I continued to work and as the piece grew, people of every colour began to engage with me, reacting positively. I had interesting conversations with strangers and finished the day electrified with good energy.

I shared the piece on Facebook and it was received really well and reached around 20,000 people. When I re-shared the image on Valentine’s day, with a message to love each other, it was just as popular.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a lady in Minneapolis, Minnesota, who wanted to use this picture as her Facebook profile to reflect her and her family’s feelings around George Floyd’s death at a difficult time. 

I of course gave her my permission but I also wondered how a lady thousands of miles away had found this picture from Peterborough? We exchanged messages and she explained she had Googled ‘unity in races artwork’. It was great to hear as that was the concept I had been trying to put out there from the beginning.

A day or two later and I got a message from MC Whizzkid with a screenshot of ICE T tweeting my picture. 

I fully freaked out. I just stood there shaking with excitement that the legendary ICE T had shared my picture.

A lot of people thought I painted it in reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement but knowing that it was done last year, and is still relevant, has made what’s happened even more special.

People have asked me a lot about my new-found ‘fame’ as a result of the mural. I never did it for any other reason than to provoke a conversation that needed to be had, in which we come to understand that we are all the same beyond colour.

I’m just so pleased that something I did has made people think, and talk.

It’s been beautiful for me to engage with so many strangers in person and online about how this piece made them feel. It’s been an experience that money can’t buy and has inspired me to do more to help people.


My Life Through a Lens is an exciting series on that looks at one incredible photo, and shares the story that lies behind it. If you have an experience you would like to share, please email with MLTAL as the subject.

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