Gay couple welcome daughter’s twin three years later as their surrogate carries embryo from the same batch

 Proud dads Al and Alan with daughter Beatrice and newborn Otto
Proud dads Alan and Al with their daughter Beatrice and newborn Otto (Picture: Caters News Agency)

A couple has become proud parents of twins – who were born three years apart – thanks to surrogate pal who has now carried a baby for them twice.

Alan Coates, 50,  and Al Watt, 45, from Brighton welcomed Otto to the world after surrogate Annie Peverelle, 41, agreed to give them another gift this Father’s Day.

The couple’s first born Beatrice, three, and Otto are considered to be twins as they were conceived at the same time through IVF and from the same batch of embryos.

The couple chose to use an anonymous egg donor and didn’t fuss too much over characteristics as long as the donor was healthy.

Annie from Rugby, Warwick, has been a surrogate five times. Now, after giving birth to Otto, she says she will give up surrogacy.

She will be celebrating Father’s Day with Alan and Al this year who are delighted to become a family of four.

 Proud dads Al and Alan with daughter Beatrice, newborn Otto and surrogate Annie
Annie has been a surrogate for the dads twice (Picture: Caters News Agency)

Alan explained: ‘Our surrogacy journey has come to an end so it will be nice to reflect how far we have come and how our experiences have shaped us along with how much we have grown.

‘I always say that having a child is like someone pointing out a secret door that you didn’t know was there and once you go through the door you can’t go back.

‘It is like going into a different dimension to which I am amazed to discover.’

The proud parents say they knew they wanted a family right away.

Alan said: ‘Al and I spoke about children from the moment we met and liked the idea of there being an ongoing relationship and friendship through surrogacy.

‘Not only for us but for the children too!’

They first met Annie in 2014 at a social event through Surrogacy UK, a non-profit organisation.

At the time, she was already pregnant, which reassured Alan and Al as they realised she knew what she was doing.

Alan added: ‘We stayed in touch and established a friendship so we were delighted when we got “the call” saying she would like to get to know us and we immediately hit it off before starting our treatment in 2016.’

The first time they were unsuccessful but tried again with new eggs.

The couple had two embryos – one of which is Beatrice and the other was frozen until last year.

He adds: ‘It is crazy to think they are technically twins – Beatrice already knows she grew in Auntie Annie’s tummy and Otto will know that too.’

The couples first born Beatrice, three, and baby Otto are considered as twins as they were conceived at the same time through IVF and from the same batch of embryos
Technically Beatrice and Otto are twins as they were born from the same batch of embryos (Picture: Caters News Agency)

Annie said: ‘Over the years, I have become so close with Alan and Al – I knew I wanted to help them and complete their family.

‘I will continue volunteering for Surrogacy UK until I am old and grey but I won’t be carrying another baby as I have recently had a career change to a diabetic eye screener and I am due to start a diploma.

‘I love being pregnant and sharing the experience with the parents-to-be but nothing can compare to the high I experience when I see them falling in love with their baby from the second they hold them.

‘I have always had smooth pregnancies without any morning sickness or pains, but Otto wasn’t in the right position so I had my first C-section.

‘When the boys were able to meet their son for the first time, they came straight to me to check I was OK which shows the strength of our friendship.’

The couple praise Annie for her positive attitude and support throughout their journey to fatherhood.

Alan said: ‘Annie’s experience was helpful at appointments as she would always ask questions that we didn’t think of.

‘Our friendship is unbeatable and she’s definitely one of our best friends – she has done such an incredible thing for us.’

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