Cat with split-coloured face welcomes two kittens with each of his complexions

Cat with split face, pictured with his kittens who have inherited either colour
Look at these cuties (Picture: Amazingnarnia/Instagram)

We’ve fallen in love with split-face cats many a time.

The quirky characteristic means one side of their face is one colour but they have a straight line running from the ears, through their nose and to their chin, with a different colour on the other side.

One little split-coloured cat has amused his owner after welcoming two kittens, with each one taking after his different complexions.

Narnia the cat stole everyone’s hearts with his half -grey, half-black face, coupled with his piercing blue eyes.

And now his kittens, one who is completely grey and the other who is black, are delighting everyone.

Kittens Prada and Phoenix have also inherited Narnia’s striking blue eyes.

His owner Stephanie Jiminez is a cat breeder and says Narnia has fathered loads of kitties who have all inherited all sorts of colours.

Cat with split face welcomes two kittens, one in each of his complexiomsm
Narnia has fathered lots of kitties (Picture: Amazingnarnia/Instagram)

Narnia was born in Paris but later bought to Britain.

He was previously thought to be a rare chimera cat (contain two types of DNA) but after further testing, he was found to have one type of DNA but geneticists aren’t sure which type.

And the adorable kitty is already extending his family since having Prada and Phoenix.

Cat with split face with another cat with grey and white fur
Gorgeous parents, gorgeous kids (Picture: Amazingnarnia/Instagram)

Owner Stephanie revealed he is due to have some more kittens on 29 June.

The busy boi also has multiple other kittens. He has two light brown twins, Orfée and Ozanna, Roswell who is pitch black, Rose who is grey and two gorgeous multi-coloured boys, Polaris and Phantom.

Stephanie says Narnia loves all his kitties and spends lots of time with them.

What a cutie.

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MORE: Kittens belonging to rare cat breed look like adorable werewolves

MORE: Dog becomes foster dad to kittens waiting to find forever homes

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