People share the simple things they are doing to stay positive during the pandemic

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Simple things can bring us joy (Picture: Ella Byworth for

During this distressing time, it’s easy to get bogged down with headlines – so it’s important to hold onto the little things that make us happy.

Whether it’s baking, knitting, cycling or simply making a great cup of tea – anything that has the ability to bring a smile to our faces should be celebrated.

So if you’re looking for ways to stay optimistic – we’ve asked people to share the little things they are doing to stay positive during the pandemic.

Here’s what they had to say…


Lottie says: ‘To keep my spirits lifted and to keep me sane during quarantine, I like to make sure I do a killer workout that really makes me sweat – to make me feel like I’ve actually accomplished something that day.’

Natalie says: ‘I play netball and I’m really missing it and missing my teammates, so one thing we are doing is a big team fitness session over Zoom every Saturday morning – which is when we would normally have a match.

‘It’s genuinely the highlight of my week and is keeping me sane. Having a laugh with my teammates as well as getting endorphins from the workout is definitely helping me to stay positive.’


Jess says: ‘Me and my boyfriend have been making time to turn the TV off and play cards with a few beers about once a week, as a little date night. It’s no beer garden in the sun, but we laugh and chat (specifically no corona chat) and it’s like everything’s normal for a couple of hours.

‘It’s too easy to just finish work and stay in your spot on the couch without switching off, so this has been nice.’


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This is a great time to do some things for yourself (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Nazma says: ‘Getting dressed-up is keeping me happy. So many beautiful clothes in my wardrobe that I otherwise don’t wear very often – whether they are not UK weather appropriate, too fancy for everyday or don’t have the right shoes for wearing out. Well now I’m staying home, I might as well wear them.’

Emily says: ‘I have a “mental/physical health checklist” that my boyfriend and I try and tick off each day. It includes tidying something away, exercising, checking in with friends and family, washing up, reading a chapter of a book, do something creative and more. There are 10 things and 10,000 steps is the 11th bonus.

‘There are rewards, too, such as a film night of my choice (Harry Potter, obviously), pamper night, takeaways and more.’

Amelia says: ‘As I’ve been stuck at my family home without my boyfriend for over a month now, I’ve found that, whenever boredom strikes, I resort to my little bullet friend. Not only am I a pro at multiple orgasms, but I’m so much happier.’

Getting creative

Safiyyah says: ‘I am a painter and the lockdown period has meant lots more painting. I feel as though there isn’t much point marketing at a time like this, so my efforts are in improving my skill – when else would I get time like this?’

New projects

Julie says: ‘To stay happy during this challenging time me and my 14-year-old neighbour, Ben, both decided we want to do something positive for the Malmesbury community so we decided to help out those stuck in self isolation because, at the time, there was no system in place for them to get food and prescriptions delivered.

‘So Ben created a website to help these vulnerable people out in this extremely challenging time. It has been used countless times and this keeps us happy.’

Dennie says: ‘Started to research my family tree – it’s so interesting.’

Beth says: ‘I created the Coronavirus Mental Health Support Group on Facebook with a fellow parenting blogger friend of mine, Rebbeca George, which we fill with positive news stories, self-care tips and our lovely community of members are quick to offer emotional support to one another during those tough days.’

Jonathan says: ‘I’ve taken time to start learning Spanish more in-depth. Audible lessons work a treat. I put headphones on with it playing in the background whether working, doing house chores, relaxing – also a great distraction for the mind.’

Taking to the kitchen

Claudia says: ‘Some of the fruit and vegetables we were buying was getting past their best. But – instead of binning – my boyfriend, Johnny, thought it would be a cool idea to get a dehydrator and experiment with it as a way of preserving these items. 

‘So far we have only tried it with apple and banana, but both have come out well and we are advancing to potatoes later which should come out like crisps. By making our own snacks it’s stopping us nipping out to the shops and we have only left once in 4 weeks.

She adds: ‘Johnny’s uncle meditates every morning at 4am and recommended a Brahma Kumaris class which we’re starting on Friday – hopefully this will support us with our mental health during the lockdown period.’


Maddie says: ‘I take my morning coffee around the block with me before I start work, for some fresh air.’ 


Dan says: ‘I’m at my dad’s house, as his carer, so whilst I’m here I’m doing up his house and garden – I painted the greenhouse yesterday. So that’s making him happy and makes me smile.

‘And I’m organising a virtual whisky festival to give others something to look forward to.’

MORE: How to stay intimate if you’re separated from your partner in quarantine

MORE: How to feel less lethargic in lockdown

MORE: My Quarantine Routine: Ben, a 28-year-old recovering alcoholic

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