How I Save: The 26-year-old marketing manager in Edinburgh with £66,200 saved

how i save: tyson
This week’s How I Save-r is a marketing manager living and working in Edinburgh (Picture:

How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting our money?

Many have lost their jobs and are in dangerously precarious financial states. Others are finding they’re suddenly saving significant cash from not being able to go out at the weekend and waste away their wages at the pub.

Our weekly series How I Save looks at how people spend and save their money, and this week we’re seeing how a thrifty type has spent during a week in lockdown.

Tyson* is a 26-year-old marketing manager living and working in Edinburgh. Here’s how he handles his money.

How Tyson saves:

I earn £38,000 a year and in my savings account right now I have £66,200.

I’ve saved this much money by… consistently spending less than I earn from the age 15. It helped that I lived with my parents throughout university and a couple years after it. My contributions to the costs of the house were lower than what I would’ve spent on rent and bills during those years.

I’m saving for my first home with my partner and eventually for kids when we feel ready for it.

Other regular expenses I like to save for include travelling (who doesn’t love a couple holidays a year?!).

The main way I save is by moving money into my Lifetime ISA, Stocks & Shares ISA and premium bonds. I’ve been very fortunate to have been in a good habit of saving from a young age and by being frugal 70% of the time. The other 30% of the time I enjoy spending money on eating out, cinema, attending live sports and twice a year I’ll treat myself to some nice clothes (fortunately I’ve grown out of caring for designer brands unless there’s an indisputable difference in quality vs high street labels).

At times, saving takes a back seat as my partner and I are both foodies so we enjoy going out to try new places or monthly visits to our favourite restaurants. We have a food blog so it helps to keep the review content coming in.

Corona/isolation/working from home illos
How is the pandemic affecting our spending? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

How Tyson spends:

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent: £650
  • Utilities: £50
  • Phone bill: £20
  • Fuel: £120
  • NowTV: £5
  • Audible: £4 weekly

A week of spending:

Monday: If there’s one benefit of lockdown it’s become harder to spend money. I’m working from home so today was a no-spend day.

Tuesday: I went out to get some groceries from ASDA for the week – it cost £67 which is more than I usually spend but because my usual go-tos Aldi and Lidl haven’t been as well-stocked as the larger supermarkets with all the panic-buying and item quantity restrictions in place.

Wednesday: I had to order some vitamins and supplements for £23 as my partner is paranoid we don’t have enough in case we get unwell with all the viruses going round lately!

Thursday: Another day spent working at home with a grand total of £0 spent. Hooray!

Friday: Needed some essential groceries so we spent another £10.63. We’re buying and holding a little more than normal in order to really limit how much we need to go out in the coming days as the pandemic is due to hit its peak in the next few days.

Saturday: We’re bored and decide to rent a movie online at a cost of £2.99. Killed a few hours so it was worth it!

Sunday: Spent the day practising dance routine videos on TikTok = a no-spend day to finish the week.

Total spent this week: £103.62

How Tyson could save:

We spoke to the experts over at Plum, an AI assistant that aims to boost your bank balance, to find out how Tyson can save better (and what we can learn from his spending).

Here’s what they said:

Thanks for sharing your saving story with us!

Firstly, the fact that you’ve managed to rack up over £66k in savings is an incredible achievement for anyone, especially someone of your young age! It’s clear you’re already a pro when it comes to saving… but let’s see if we can get you into the savings hall of fame.

You mentioned that, in addition to saving for your first home and making provisions to start a family, you also like to tuck money away for holidays and treats such as eating out, cinema, and attending sports games.

It’s absolutely essential you allow yourself this respite in order to maintain any budget consistently, but there could still be potential to add a few extra pounds to your saving pot.

We’re not sure how concrete your ratio of 70% being frugal, to 30%… not so frugal actually is, but that could be a good place to start.

When the urge to splurge strikes we can all be guilty of getting a little carried away, so anything you can do to further categorise your budget could make things easier to track.

A common approach we see is to allocate specific pockets (your banking app might call these pots) for each of your planned expenditures.

So, in the same way that you automatically transfer savings to your ISA when you first get paid, why not make sure that the correct percentage also goes towards each of your other priorities too!

When it comes to saving, the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’ has never been more appropriate. It’s human nature to spend more if we’re feeling comfortable, and that’s why an automated saving algorithm like Plum’s can be useful.

By putting your leftover ‘play’ money in a separate account, you may still be able to skim off an extra few quid from that each week when your willpower is strong, and once it’s safely stashed away there will be less temptation to dip back into it again.

Given your budget is already fairly lean, this might not contribute a game-changing amount in the short-term, but it can be surprising how quickly it adds up!

The present lockdown situation in the UK means that many people’s spending habits are a bit mixed up right now.

A combination of working from home and more sporadic trips to the supermarket mean that while your current spending pattern is certainly not typical, there is potential to tuck extra money away.

If you’re feeling really keen, then you could draw up a temporary budget to maximise on the opportunity, but this is also another example of how using an automated savings tool like Plum can take the pain out of the process.

Plum allows you to adapt your savings ‘mood’ depending on your current circumstances, so you can save more aggressively without needing to break out the abacus when your financial situation changes.

It’s probably fair to say that many of us are dealing with a lot of uncertainty at the moment, which is why here at Plum we firmly believe in helping people ‘adult’ without needing to think about it too hard!

How I Save is a weekly series about how people spend and save, out every Thursday. If you’d like to anonymously share how you spend and save – and get some expert advice on how to sort out your finances – get in touch by emailing

If you want more tips and tricks on saving money, as well as chat about cash and alerts on deals and discounts, join our Facebook Group, Money Pot.

*Name has been changed.

MORE: How I Save: A trainee solicitor with £13,000 saved shares how she spends her money during the coronavirus pandemic

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