Millennials are over their phone call anxiety since the coronavirus lockdown

Millennials are bringing phone calls back
How many people have you called today? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Millennials are notorious for killing things; home ownership, diamonds, Christmas traditions, banks, napkins, the Post Office, cereal and more.

But in the way Justin Timberlake supposedly brought sexy back, this group – aged between 20 and 40 – are also known to revive old faves, often due to a heady hit of nostalgia.

For example, the coronavirus pandemic has brought the renaissance of Habbo and Neopets.

It has also facilitated a resurgence of phone calls.

Under lockdown, people are embracing technology to communicate and in the 21st century there is a plethora of choices.

You can FaceTime, WhatsApp call, Zoom, Skype, or even Snapchat video call to chat with your loved ones.

But along with video chats, the good old-fashioned phone call is making a comeback.

Traditionally, millennials are not fond of phone calls. Various articles, anecdotes, and memes have demonstrated the millennial reluctance to host calls (‘this could’ve been an email/text’, they might protest).

Illustration of someone writing an email on their laptop
Not everyone has all the devices needed to video chat, so phone calls may be the most efficient way of communicating now more than ever (Picture: Ella Byworth for

In fact, 81% of respondents in a 2018 survey said they often feel anxious about talking on the phone. Sometimes they have to work up the courage to do so (you’re not alone if you rehearse a call beforehand).

In a separate survey, 75% of people reported phonecalls were too time-consuming.

To ward off unwanted calls, some even let their phone ring out and text the person as a response.

But a global pandemic throws even the most universal tendencies off kilter.

Suddenly we’re picking up our phones to actually call friends, family, and partners who we no longer have the luxury of seeing while under lockdown.

Video chats still remain a popular choice but they’re not always possible – they can be a challenge for the elderly, those with slower broadband speeds, and anyone without access to a smart device. But millennials are now getting better acquainted with the phonecall function.

Lengthy phone calls are not a new concept for millennials, of course. Remember the days of yore when you’d chat with your best mates and run the phone bill up?

The oldest millennials are in their 40s meaning they, and many younger than them, would have memories of using an actual landline to chat with pals.

But while this cohort was in their early teen and adolescent years, the texting function took off.

Text messaging began in 1992 – a few years after the first millennials born in 1985 – allowing teenagers to swap long phone calls for a constant stream of messages..

The humble mobile phone was connected to the internet for the first time in 2000, but it came with a price tag. At this time the oldest millennials would be 15 and still used to using their landlines, which their parents paid for. Cell phones were still novel, and those who had them couldn’t afford to blow all their pay-as-you-go minutes.

As of 2007 text messaging became the most widely used mobile data service, with 74% of all mobile phone users worldwide, or 2.4 billion out of 3.3 billion phone subscribers, sending texts.

At this time, the oldest millennials would be in their early 20s, well acquainted with texting as opposed to calling. Emailing and messenger services on Blackberries were also popularised by this time. By then, unlimited texts and instant messaging services were the norm – remember those heady days of BBM-ing?

And crucially, it was this year that Steve Jobs unveiled the holy grail of smartphones on us – the iPhone. And thus everything was changed, with more being connected to the internet than ever before.

With the internet at the tips of our fingertips came endless communication portals – all easier and less intimate than a voice call. No wonder we fell out of phone conversations when we could send edit our responses to perfection, chat with multiple people at once, and forward on texts to pals for their feedback.

Phone calls slowly became associated with stressful situations – you still had to call in sick to work, call to make doctors appointments, to call for serious conversations that didn’t feel appropriate for a text conversation.

They were an unexpected intrusion – why would someone call with no warning rather than just sending a quick, faceless, voiceless text?

But now our enforced isolation is making phone calls a welcome moment of connection.

Writer Miranda can relate. She believes she’s spoken on the phone to more people in the past four weeks than she has in the last 14 years.

Before, she used to text or send voicenotes, saving phone calls just for her parents, but now all that’s changed.

She explains: ‘People Inever ever talk to the phone have now become the people I chat to the most, about all kinds of things.

‘My best mate and I chat once a week (he always used to try calling me which used to piss me off!) and now I really look forward to that. I chat once or twice a week with a newer friend who really always gives me new ideas to think on.’

Miranda admits that organising a phone call may be harder than shooting off a simple text but doesn’t want to stop calling once lockdown is over.

Nicola is another millennial who feels the same.

She says: ‘I have definitely been using the phone more. Although I didn’t mind talking on the phone before, I would sometimes put off conversations and send a message or a voice note on Whatsapp instead.

‘I was actually sometimes worried about annoying people by calling them which is why I would hesitate. I didn’t want to put them out. Now, I am really enjoying them and don’t feel that way.’

Nicola has a mixture of scheduled calls and also random ones where she calls who she likes or vice versa.

‘It’s also been really nice that so many friends have checked in with me to check I’m OK and vice versa. I hope that does continue afterwards.’

These new habits are being noticed by phone providers.

A spokesperson for mobile network EE told ‘Since the nationwide lockdown, the number of longer calls – lasting more than five minutes – has nearly doubled.

‘This has resulted in a large increase in voice traffic on the network – nearly 50% more than usual in the last week.’

EE also said that they noticed a change in mobile data use since social distancing was put in place, including WhatsApp use doubling, and other apps such as TikTok becoming more popular too (yes, everyone is now on it).

Of course, it doesn’t mean it’s just millennials doing all the calling. But judging by the testimonies on social media, many are enjoying the nostalgic novelty, despite it formerly being a pet peeve.

What else are we doing with our phones under lockdown?

With most of the country working from home and in lockdown, EE has seen a huge volume of people using mobile data to tune into the Prime Minister’s daily 5 pm briefings, driving up to 2.5 times the amount of traffic on BBC iPlayer as seen on a typical day. 

When Boris Johnson set the most stringent measures of a country-wide
lockdown at 20:30 on Monday 23 March, traffic on EE’s mobile network increased by more than 5 times, compared to the hour before on the network. 

  • Notable spikes in data on exercise apps are also prevalent with more people opting to run and cycle to stay fit as gyms and leisure centres close
  • Due to people staying in and opting not to travel, there has been a drop in popular travel apps such as Google Maps, Uber and Lyft
  • WhatsApp data doubles as the country uses it to stay connected with family and friends
  • TikTok users are generating nearly 20% more traffic each


Journalist and editor Tahmina was also not averse to the odd call, but only if from her close circle.

Since the pandemic, she has opened up this circle and called people she would normally prefer to text.

She explains: ‘On the first day of social distancing, I went for a walk and called a friend (I messaged her to before to see if she was free) and she was actually on a lunchtime walk too. It was really pleasant to hear a familiar voice but one that isn’t usually on the line with me.

‘It’s solidified this idea that we can call each other whenever.’

Tahmina notes that phone calls are especially handy now that we can’t see our loved ones, particularly older ones like grandparents.

‘Social distancing has, funnily enough, made us realise that our phones are there to communicate with our loved ones — to remember to call our nanas simply because we can.

‘It’s the blessing that’s come in disguise throughout the global pain.’

MORE: Millennials are a bunch of plant killers

MORE: 8 in 10 millennials believe they aren’t ‘good enough’ at life

MORE: 28 images from largest crowdsourced photo exhibition show life for millennials in modern Britain

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