I’ve put my career on hold to help musicians try and earn a living

Suzanne Noble
‘We’re musicians, we have to practice from home anyway, so let’s just get on with it (Picture: Sara Leigh Lewis)

There are literally thousands of musicians around the world who have lost their livelihoods as a result of coronavirus.

I’m a part time jazz and blues singer and I’ve had all my gigs cancelled. For my accompanist, George, who is a professional pianist, it’s even worse: he has lost every single one of his jobs for good.

We were both really upset when we found out but George’s attitude was: we’re musicians, we have to practice from home anyway, so let’s just get on with it. He made me realise that although there was nothing we can do about this – we can try and help each other. 

I’m a problem solver by nature and I come from a tech background – my dad was an aeronautical engineer on the Apollo space programme and I run a digital start-up, Silver Sharers, as my day job – so my first thought was to turn to tech. 

I decided to set up a Facebook group, Corona Concerts, for musicians to broadcast their shows, and for music lovers to discover great music from around the world. If audience members like what they hear, they can donate money and each artist can say how they want to receive funds – fortunately, there are so many different ways to pay online now.

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Musicians can turn on their live video within the group and start performing immediately from their living room, or wherever they are. Others are sharing their own channels with us and we’re promoting them. I’m encouraging musicians to set up their own concerts as you would a normal Facebook event and people can tune in.

I set the group up on a bit of a whim just over three weeks ago and now we have 2,300 members. Originally, I just published it to the places where I promote my real-life gigs but we started getting mentions all over the world, from LA to Cairo, which has helped people find us.

Geplaatst door Atanas Valkov op Zondag 15 maart 2020

Since launching I’ve discovered so many amazing performers from around the globe, from the US to Poland to Italy – it’s really opened my eyes. 

There’s a woman who is a professional classical pianist called Leva Dubova. Then there’s Akanav Volkiv, a Polish film track composer whose music is gorgeous. Another guy normally does children’s music and he’s brilliant.

One singer, Rob Aldridge, performed from his front room in Alabama and his little son started singing along in the background. He’s had lots of views, I think because it’s so heartwarming – it made me start crying.

It looks like lots of us are going to be isolated for a long period of time so the next thing I am looking at is how to support musicians to produce the best possible quality videos they can with whatever equipment they have available. A lot of people know very little about live streaming.

I am spending most of my time on the group now as I moderate it and vet people who want to join – it’s turned into a full time thing. Anyone who wants to support what I’m doing – whether that’s 50p or a pound – can donate via the group. Every little bit helps.

Had to set up for a concert…

Geplaatst door Rob Aldridge Music op Maandag 16 maart 2020

It’s an appalling time for musicians right now so at the end of the day, the priority is supporting each other – I just want to do what I can, like all of us.

If I can get musicians in front of a new audience, if they can make whatever money they possibly can, I’ll feel like I’ve helped in some small way. People just want to be able to share their music with new followers – setting up this group simply gives them a way to access new audiences that they would never have been able to right now.

I’m a great believer that, while we may see many other jobs fall by the wayside during this period of time, music will survive. It makes us feel better when we’re low and it’s a way of feeling part of a community or a tribe. 

This is a transformational period in our history. I think we’re going to see lots of things happening we would never have expected before. We’ve just got to make the best of it.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/14/career-hold-help-musicians-make-living-12459698/?ITO=squid
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