More police in UK schools would ‘disproportionately impact students of colour’

The government has plans to increase the number of officers in Manchester schools (Picture: Getty)

The plan to increase police presence in UK schools will disproportionately and unfairly impact BAME students, says a group of academics and activists.

Last year, MPs called for more dedicated police officers stationed in schools as a way of tackling knife crime and youth violence – but a new campaign is calling to keep schools completely police-free.

Academic Remi Joseph-Salisbury tells ‘We believe that the shift to placing more police in schools has happened without public consultation, and without regard for the considerable evidence highlighting the negative impacts of placing police in schools,’

The sociology lecturer from Manchester University is one of more than 300 academics and community workers who have signed an open letter asking Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester, to keep police out of schools in the area.

Remi says it is important to recognise that pupils of colour are most harshly affected by schools-based policing.

‘Placing police in schools is bad for everyone,’ says Remi. ‘As evidence from the United States has shown, the presence of police in schools has a detrimental impact on learning environments.

‘Institutional racism in policing means that Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped and searched, more likely be tasered, and generally more likely to be over-policed. In schools, these same groups of students are more likely to be subject to school disciplinary procedures, including exclusions.

‘All the evidence suggests, therefore, that those same groups will be disproportionately affected. In fact, we can expect to see schools-based police officers appearing primarily in working-class areas, and particularly in those areas with high ethnic minority populations.’

Police officer with school shildren
‘Schools will become places of surveillance and social control’ (Picture: Paul Ellis/AFP via Getty)

Over the last few years, the commitment to placing police in schools seems to have grown, and the current situation in Manchester seems to reflect that.

Greater Manchester Police have committed to placing twenty more police officers in schools in the 2020/2021 school year.

Roxy Legane, founder of community organisation Kids of Colour, says that the potential impact of having more police officers in schools could be severe – particularly for vulnerable and minority children.

‘The implementation of schools-based police officers will drive up levels of exclusions from school, as the presence of police in schools risks turning minor behavioural issues into criminal issues,’ Roxy tells ‘What might previously have been an after-school detention, could now become an arrest or caution.’

She adds that this would quickly move young people from the education system to the criminal justice system, and will feed into what she calls the ‘school-to-prison pipeline.’

‘Schools will become places of surveillance and social control, and will no longer be seen as safe spaces by those students who need them most,’ adds Remi.

‘Placing police in schools engenders a culture of low expectations that students and parents will be affected by.’

an open letter to andy burnham
An extract of the letter sent to Mayor Andy Burnham (Picture: Remi Joseph-Salisbury)

The key argument in favour of having a police presence in schools is the issue of child safety.

But Roxy suggests that safety at the hands of the police isn’t guaranteed for young people of colour.

She says: ‘Accounts shared with Kids of Colour and Northern Police Monitoring Project have shown that young people of colour and working-class young people are not necessarily safe in the hands of the police – mistreatment is not out of the question simply because officers are based in a school setting.

‘There is little evidence to show that the police are effective in creating safer environments, or that punitive approaches are the best way to create safety.’

The group is focusing their efforts on Greater Manchester for the moment, but they are aware that this is a wider problem across the entire country and they hope to start a national conversation.

Roxy believes that a better allocation of funding in schools could be a much more effective solution for improving safety and tackling youth violence.

‘Schools-based police officers will be funded, at least partly, by the schools themselves, from budgets that have already faced significant cuts as a result of austerity,’ she says. ‘As schools remain under-resourced, it is investment elsewhere in education that is imperative, not the employment of school-based police officers.’

Remi agrees. He says most teachers would prefer an additional teacher, rather than police officers in their schools.

‘We should be investing in our schools to ensure that student/teacher ratios are reduced, and that teacher workloads enable them to offer students the support and attention they need,’ Remi explains. ‘We should also be looking to invest in youth and community work, inside and outside of schools.

‘Austerity has had a devastating impact on our schools, and this needs to be reversed.’

Remi and Roxy are still accepting signatures for their open letter – they have more than 300 so far. Submissions for responses will close on 12 March.

You can read the open letter in full here.

The State of Racism

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We need to be able to talk about racism.

This series is an in-depth look at racism in the UK in 2020.

We aim to look at how, where and why racist attitudes and biases impact people of colour from all walks of life.

It's vital to improve the language we have to talk about racism and start the difficult conversations about inequality.

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