When does Purim start in the UK and what are the customs of the Jewish celebration?

A family celebrating Purim in fancy dress
Get the costumes out, it’s time for Purim (Picture: Getty Images)

The Jewish festival of Purim is one of the most celebratory of the year, with parties, food and drink and fancy dress the order of the day.

The festival is due to begin on Monday, with communities gathering to hear the story of Queen Esther, and how she saved the Jewish people from persecution.

It’s also an excuse for all manner of high-spirited behaviour – but just when does the celebration start and what exactly is involved?

Here’s what you need to know…

When does Purim start in the UK?

As with the majority of Jewish holidays, Purim begins in the UK at sundown, in keeping with the Hebrew calendar (in which days technically begin at sundown).

People celebrating Purim in Israel
Expect to see a whole lot of colourful celebrations (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

The official Hebrew date of the festival is the 14th day of the month of Adar, although this date varies in the Western calendar, normally falling some time between late February and mid-to-late March.

It also falls around four weeks before the festival of Passover.

The festival ends on Tuesday night.

What’s the story of Purim?

The festival centres around the story of Queen Esther, who marries the Persian king Ahasuerus after his previous wife, Vashti, was banished from the kingdom for refusing to obey him.

The story goes that Esther was chosen for her beauty, but has more than just being the king’s wife to contend with after his chief advisor, Haman, seeks permission from the leader to have all the Jews in the kingdom killed after one of them, Mordecai, refuses to bow down to him.

Unfortunately for Haman, Esther is Jewish (and concealing her true identity to the king) and Mordecai is her cousin – and she sets about trying to foil his plot, eventually succeeding at a royal banquet where she exposes Haman’s intentions to the king.

Haman is subsequently executed, while Mordecai replaces him as the king’s advisor.

How is Purim celebrated?

Children celebrating Purim in Israel
The villainous Haman is reviled during the festival (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Unlike some of the other Jewish festivals, Purim is regarded as a ‘minor’ festival in that work and other normal activities are permitted – but that doesn’t stop the celebrations from breaking out.

It’s customary to go to the synagogue on the evening of Purim to hear the story of Esther – known as the Megillah – read.

However it’s a service like no other, as it’s also customary to blot out the name of Haman during the reading, by making as much noise as possible every time he is mentioned.

Traditionally this is done by using a special rattle or noisemaker known as a ‘gragger’ – but you can shout, stamp your feet, use a musical instrument, or even use one of the many phone apps that will make noise for you – whatever takes your fancy.

What are the other customs?

Wearing fancy dress is one of the main traditions – and there are several reasons given for this.

They include the fact that the miracle which occurred over Purim (the saving of the Jewish people) was disguised by natural events, and also to mark the point in the story when Mordecai was honoured by the king and dressed in his garments.

A plate of Hamentaschen
Hamentaschen anyone? (Picture: Getty Images)

It’s also a good time for food and drink – and getting drunk is customary to the point of, as the holy book the Talmud suggests, being unable to tell the difference between cursing Haman and blessing Mordecai.

As for food, well you can expect to be eating a lot of triangular pastires known as Hamentaschen – which are shaped in the manner of the triangular hat that Haman is said to have worn.

These are traditionally filled with poppy seeds but are also often filled with jam, prunes or even chocolate.

It’s also a time of giving, with people exchanging food parcels or baskets of treats – known as Mishloach Manot – among friends. And Jewish people don’t forget others in need on Purim either – as it’s traditional to donate to charity during the festival.

MORE: What is Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year for trees?

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/09/purim-start-uk-customs-jewish-celebration-12366645/?ITO=squid
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