Boy writes angry letter to coronavirus calling it ‘the F word’ after his Harry Potter themed birthday party is cancelled

luka perry clark with his parents and little sister
Luka was heartbroken when his parents said his birthday party would need to be cancelled (Picture: Mercury Press)

A seven-year-old boy has written a furious letter directly to coronavirus, branding it ‘the F word’ for causing the cancellation of his Harry Potter themed birthday party.

We feel the same, to be fair.

Luka Perry Clark was expecting 15 guests at his birthday party at his home in West Cork, Ireland, last weekend.

He was heartbroken when his parents Liz Clark, 38, and Tessa Parry, 42, broke the news that all playdates and gatherings had been banned due to the outbreak of coronavirus.

Luke had a very mature way to vent his frustration, asking his mum to help him write a letter directly to the disease.

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He wrote: ‘To coronavirus, you destroyed my birthday. You are the F word.’

His parents found the letter hilarious and posted it on Facebook, where it was shared more than 85,000 times.

luka's letter to coronavirus
Luka wrote a furious letter to coronavirus, which was shared all over Facebook (Picture: Mercury Press & Media)

Mum-of-two Liz, from Colorado, US, said: ‘I came close to tears when I told Luka we would have to cancel the party.

‘I just explained to him that it wouldn’t be very responsible for the party to go ahead and he was so good.

‘He just asked important questions like if he’d still get presents then he said he wanted to write a letter.

‘He asked for permission to call it ‘the f word’ – I saved it for Tessa when she got home from work and she thought it was hilarious.

‘I really don’t know where he thought it was going, because he addressed it to coronavirus.’

Despite the last-minute cancellation, Liz said Luka’s birthday on 16 March ended up being the most memorable one yet as she, chef Tessa, Luka and his four-year-old sister Joni still held a party complete with a Harry Potter scavenger hunt and fancy dress.

Liz said: ‘We’d planned to postpone the party but we ended up going all out anyway.

The family ended up having a party for Luka’s birthday without all the guests (Picture: Mercury Press & Media)

‘It was actually better because we could just focus on Luka, which you don’t always get to do as parents.

‘It was just the four of us and he definitely enjoyed himself.

‘He’s absolutely obsessed with Harry Potter. He knows all the words and all the trivia, it’s unbelievable.’

Luka’s letter resulted in loads of people all over the world wishing him a happy birthday, too.

Liz added: ‘It’s so weird how viral it went.

‘He got so many people wishing him happy birthday and sending video messages.

‘That doesn’t happen often so it turns out that actually coronavirus didn’t ruin his birthday, it made it more special.’

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