Heinz pledges to give 12 million free breakfasts to school children in need

Heinz beans and tins
Heinz wants to make sure that children do not go hungry when schools close (Credit: Getty)

Whilst it’s easy to get bogged down with concerning coronavirus headlines, there’s still some good news floating around and one food company, in particular, is doing its bit to help those in need.

With schools set to close their doors later today, Heinz has pledged to give 12 million free breakfasts to school children at risk of starting their day hungry.

The initiative is aimed at helping youngsters who might miss their free breakfast once the schools close. The 12 million figure equates to one breakfast, five days a week, for eight weeks, for all the children who would usually attend breakfast club schemes.

In order to carry out the programme, Heinz has teamed up with Magic Breakfast – a charity which provides healthy school breakfasts to hungry and malnourished children in disadvantaged areas of the UK.

Heinz has said that more details on how it will be rolling out the initiative are yet to follow.

Naturally, news of the free breakfast programme has attracted a response on social media, with many praising the company for its efforts during the coronavirus outbreak.

One person replied to the company’s post on Facebook, saying: ‘Thank you Heinz UK, one company trying to make a difference to thousands of children for whom school provided the one hot meal of the day.’

While another simply commented: ‘Well done Heinz.’

JoJo de Noronha, President of Kraft Heinz Northern Europe, has also said that the company is committed to ‘finding other organisations that can help us reach even more children, parents, carers and teachers during this difficult time.’

She added: ‘We are encouraging other organisations and companies to come forward with any support possible to ensure no child goes hungry due to these unfortunate school closures.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/20/heinz-pledges-give-12-million-free-breakfasts-school-children-need-12428792/?ITO=squid

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