I don’t want the vulnerable in our village to go without, so 85 of us are stepping in to help

Julia Camilleri is co-ordinating support during the coronavirus lockdown
There must be so many people who don’t have support from relatives who are fretting, and it prompted me to take action (Picture: Julia Camilleri)

I live in a small village in Roydon, Essex where I run a skin clinic. We’re not particularly busy at the moment (as you can imagine) so just over a week ago, I posted a message on the village Facebook group saying I wanted to do something to help the community during the coronavirus outbreak, and asking if anyone wanted to come on board.

The response was overwhelming so I wrote a letter explaining that a group of us would be on hand to do shopping, pick up prescriptions, supply food or simply offer reassurance and have a chat.

It took me two minutes to write while I was making the kids’ dinner and I thought I’d just post it through a few doors. That was just over a week ago – I’ve now printed out 800 letters and we have 85 volunteers.

I’ve done four shopping trips and been able to pick up most items people need; other volunteers have been adding bits to their online shops and we also have people with vans on hand to do big deliveries.

Someone in a different area rang me and asked if we could do their sister-in-law’s shopping. It’s only 10 minutes down the road for me, but for someone who is elderly or vulnerable it can seem impossibly far, especially if they don’t drive. 

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We have also started a food bank that is being stored by the local pub. We don’t know if this situation is going to lead to a horrendous recession or be over in a few weeks but things might get difficult for people financially – as a community we’re very aware of single parents among us, and that people might lose their jobs.

I decided to do something after speaking to my mum. She is 70; she’s really fit and healthy, and she has both me and my sister to support her but she’s really anxious. It made me realise that there must be so many people who don’t have support from relatives who are fretting, and it prompted me to take action.

It’s been such an eye-opening experience. A lady I went to see the other day has a spinal injury and is photosensitive, so she sits in the dark as she’s at risk of having epileptic fits. She has no family, and while she has carers that come in, they are reducing their hours. 

A letter offering support in Roydon, Essex,during the coronavirus outbreak
It took me two minutes to write while I was making the kids’ dinner and I thought I’d just post it through a few doors (Picture: Julia Camilleri)

I took her shopping round and she responded like it was Christmas. I was so glad I could help but I cried my eyes out when I got home; it was heartbreaking to think she had been living round the corner from me, on her own, and I’d had no idea. 

It became apparent that she actually just wanted a chat. The feedback I’ve had is that, for the elderly, it’s more about reassurance right now and knowing they’re not on their own. Going forward we are going to ring everyone we’re helping each week to check in.

I’m conscious, however, that people don’t want to feel like they’re a burden, so we’ve asked the older people to give our number to their children, and they can contact us if they’re worried.

There is a real feel-good factor in helping others but doing this has been like setting up a business in a week.

We have formal plans about what to do if someone falls ill, how we can manage the risk when we’re dealing with older people and we have allocated team leaders and a group of five or six people to specific roads.

Maybe this is our generation’s chance to pay older people back for the hardship they went through for us

There is also a huge amount of admin, like managing the WhatsApp group and sending emails, so we have volunteers who have offered to run it all. Someone else has kindly done ID cards for all the volunteers and we’ve created a password for shared groups. It’s so important that what we’re doing is controlled as the people we’re helping are mostly elderly and vulnerable – we can’t just have anyone wandering into their houses.

Some of our volunteers are retired, others are fitting it around working from home. I like being busy – I have always done voluntary work –  but I’ve found people are just making it their priority.

There is a sense that our community spirit has come back, too. Before coronavirus, I knew the mums from school and some people from walking the dog, but I’d never really got in touch with any older people in the village because our paths had never crossed.

It’s changing already. Someone emailed me recently to say that our efforts reminded him of how things were when he was a kid on the council estate, and ‘we all looked after each other’. Another told me that it feels like we’re in war time. Maybe this is our generation’s chance to pay older people back for the hardship they went through for us.

My lovely sister put something on Facebook saying how proud she was of what I was doing but it’s not about being a hero and I haven’t done it for that. Although I instigated it, this has been about everyone coming together. I’ve found it really quite emotional.

The best outcome from my sister’s post was that more people contacted me asking how they could help, wanting to do the same. It’s hard to know where to start but from my experience, it’s with a spreadsheet!

Long term, I would love to set this up as an ongoing charity but for now we need a quick fix so that people can put food on their table. Hopefully it inspires people to keep helping in their communities in the future when the coronavirus crisis is over – we need to be there for each other always, not just now. 

We want to hear your stories

This piece is one of a series running on Metro.co.uk highlighting individuals going above and beyond to help others during the Coronavirus lockdown. If you’d like to be involved or nominate someone you know, please get in touch: rosy.edwards@metro.co.uk

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing platform@metro.co.uk

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/20/85-volunteers-help-elderly-coronavirus-12428617/?ITO=squid

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