Tinsel the cat who hid in car engine for 130 mile Christmas Day trip needs a new home

Tinsel the cat found in a car engine
Tinsel the cat was found on Christmas day (Picture: Celia Hammond Animal Trust)

A man driving from Birmingham to London on Christmas Day had a bit of a shock when he found a cat in his car engine.

The furry friend was thought to have snuck underneath the car before he set off and she had managed to stay hidden for the whole journey.

It was only when he arrived in London that people told him they could hear a miaow noise coming from the car.

When they opened the bonnet, they found the adorable cat inside.

Some of the people from the flats where the driver stopped managed to grab her and called the Celia Hammond Animal Trust to rescue her.

The charity appealed on Facebook earlier this week to see if they could track down the cat’s owner because she wasn’t microchipped.

Now 130 miles away from home, they weren’t sure what area of Birmingham the man had come from as he left the cat with the people before giving any more details.

Staff at the rescue centre named her Tinsel because she was found on Christmas Day.

Despite their appeals, am owner hasn’t come forward and they are now looking for a new home for Tinsel.

An update on 5 January said: ‘In spite of all the publicity this little cat has had – press, television, radio, hundreds of people scouring missing cat sites – her owner has not been found.

‘We always knew it was going to be a “needle in a haystack” search but with so many people trying so hard to re-unite her with her owner, it had to be worth trying even though no one had the faintest idea where in Birmingham she had come from.

‘Thank you so much to everyone who has tried so hard to trace her owner and has spread the word about her far and wide.

‘We now have to do what’s best for Tinsel (her new name) and we are going to rehome her after we have spayed, vaccinated and microchipped her.

They also said that they were lucky she’d been caught and hadn’t ended up as a stray on the streets.

The post continued: ‘She has shown signs over the last couple of days of coming into season, so the possibility that she could have bolted out of the car and ended up a pregnant stray on the street doesn’t bear thinking about. Thank goodness the people who called us and grabbed Tinsel managed to hang onto her till they got her safely shut into a resident’s flat.

‘I hope this story has also convinced people who haven’t thought about microchipping their cats that they should get this done. If Tinsel had been microchipped, we could have identified and contacted her owner within minutes.

‘Thank you again, everyone, for all your help.’

If you know anything about where Tinsel came from or want more information on rehoming her, you can contact the Canning Town Branch on 020 7474 8811 or by emailing canningtown@celiahammond.org.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/05/tinsel-cat-hid-car-engine-130-mile-christmas-day-trip-needs-new-home-12005252/
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