Bride and groom toss coin to see which last name they’re going to take

Bride and groom on their wedding day after flipping a coin to see who would be taking whose name
You can tell by Darcy’s face she won the toss (Picture:

If you’re conflicted between wanting to take your husband’s surname or sticking to your feminist principles (an age-old argument), then why not toss a coin?

Only, instead of heads, you keep your name and tails you don’t, you could get your husband to join in and offer to change his moniker too.

That’s exactly what bride and groom Jeff Conley and Darcy Ward decided to do.

Instead of Darcy taking Jeff’s name as is tradition, the couple decided to flip a coin to see whose name would stick.

Jeff and Darcy wanted to buck wedding tradition and left it to a 50-50 change on the day.

During their December wedding in Wakulla Springs, Florida, they flipped a brass, engraved coin, one side with Ward inscribed, and the other with Conley.

And like a cosmic middle finger to tradition, it was Darcy’s surname that won the day.

Jeff, now known as Mr Ward, was delighted with the result too.

‘You could say I won,’ Jeff told The Palm Beach Post. ‘I was the one who received something new.’

A true feminist husband.

The coin they spun
The two sides of the coin (Picture:

The idea to toss a coin came as Jeff works with numbers and probability. So it made sense to allow the fates to decide on the important decision.

Jeff continued: ‘It’s fair. I am a graduate student in economics at Florida State and I think about fairness.’

Bride Darcy, who works as a midwife, was delighted that they were going to start their marriage on an equal footing.

She said: ‘Being with someone who was willing to start the marriage from a creative and teamwork and fair place felt like a really good first step toward an equal partnership.’

Jeff and Darcy, who created a website detailing their plans for the wedding are not your everyday conventional couple.

They also skipped the classic man getting down on one knee thing and opted for equal attempts at the milestone.

It was Darcy who proposed first, after a massive scavenger hunt that ended with her getting on her knee.

And of course, Jeff returned the favour with his own proposal, a live musical serenade of their favourite song, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down by The Band.

We love to see it.

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