Mum who lost three of her quadruplets had to carry all of them to save one

Mum and dad with their micro premature baby
These parents shared the devastating story of how they lost three of their quadruplets (Picture: MDWfeatures / Tori Keller)

After the devastating loss of three of her quadruplets, a pregnant mum had to carry the stillborn babies to full term to save one.

When Tori Keller was 19 she found out that she was expecting quadruplets with now-fiancé Tyler Hallman.

Tori, now 23, from Alabama, shocked doctors who asked the couples if they were taking fertility medication, which they weren’t.

The couple was told that three of their babies were sharing a placenta and amniotic sac while their fourth baby was in a sac of their own.

During her first trimester, Tori suffered terrible morning sickness and her pregnancy was deemed high-risk, meaning she had to see her doctors weekly.

At 15 weeks, the couple went for a scan to find out the sexes of the babies and found out they were expecting all girls.

But they were given the devastating news that one of the babies no longer had a heartbeat as the placenta wasn’t strong enough to sustain three babies.

After her 18-week appointment, Tori stopped feeling any movement and began having pain on her sides. A week later, Tori and Tyler were told that two more babies no longer had heartbeats.

While grieving the devastating loss of their children, Tori was told that she would have to carry all four of her babies to full term. From then on Tori was closely monitored with ultrasounds, cervix checks, blood and fluid samples.

 Athena in NICU after being born.
Athena stayed in hospital for 127 days (Picture: MDWfeatures / Tori Keller)

At just 23 weeks – as opposed to the usual 32 for a quadruple pregnancy – Tori went into labour. She was rushed to theatre to have an emergency caesarean.

Her daughter, named Athena, was born weighing just 1lb 5oz and measuring 12 inches long with her eyes still fused shut and her ears not yet fully developed.

The newborn had to spend 127 days in the hospital before being discharged.

As difficult as it was to carry the other babies, Tori knew she had to carry on for Athena who is now three years old.

She said: ‘I had to carry on. I knew that I couldn’t give up. I didn’t know how to feel about carrying them with no heartbeat, but I didn’t have a choice. It’s a feeling with multiple feelings. It was hard.

‘I was worried and scared. I’m honestly not super religious, but I prayed. I prayed every day until my next appointment.

‘Being closely monitored was nerve-racking and honestly kind of humiliating.

‘I really hated not being able to use an actual bathroom. That’s something I will never take for granted.’

When she went into early labour, Tori was terrified about losing her final baby. The C-section she had was also not ‘normal’ as she was cut horizontally on the outside but vertically on the inside,

While Athena stayed at the newborn intensive care unit (NICU), Tori focused on getting better too.

Tyler and Tori with their family.
Athena is now three years old and has a younger brother (Picture: MDWfeatures / Tori Keller)

Tori continued: ‘Recovery from labour was nothing like I had ever experienced before. A C-section is not easy to heal from. It hurt to cough, laugh, sneeze, and move.

‘Seeing Athena for the first time was unreal. Of course, I never wanted to see her like that, but it truly is an amazing thing to see a baby that small.

‘I was scared and sad that she had to be hooked up to tubes and wires, rather than in my belly, but I was filled with so much love for her. Love is the main thing I felt.’

Tori described the first time she held Athena, which was two weeks after birth, as ‘the best feeling ever’.

Seeing the doctors and nurses care for Athena and the other babies in the NICU has made Tori realise that she would like to become a nurse one day.

Athena had some developmental delays but is now thriving and is the best big sister to her younger brother, Zachariah, one.

Tori and Tyler have told their children about their sisters, telling them that they are angels who watch over them every day.

‘We already talk to them about their sisters. They have seen pictures of them as well.

‘She knows that they are angels now, and they watch over us every day. I know she doesn’t quite understand yet, but we do talk about them a good bit.’

Tori has advised other parents that they too can get through the loss of a child.

She said: ‘For anyone struggling with child loss, you can get through it. Having a micro-preemie (premature baby) taught me so much.

‘It taught me to appreciate every small detail and to be patient. Athena taught me how to be strong. She taught me how to get through the dark times. She saved me. She’s my hero.’

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