Former alcoholic who nearly died from liver damage turns life around after going vegan

Man who was an alcoholic looking healthier since going vegan
Aaron says veganism saved his liver (Picture: SWNS)

Former alcoholic Aaron Calder ditched the booze after he was rushed to hospital with a liver condition that caused him to vomit blood.

The 40-year-old had damaged his liver so badly that his veins became clogged up and burst in his mouth while he was sleeping.

Aaron, from Brighton, survived the ordeal and quit drinking immediately.

But two years after going sober, tests showed Aaron’s liver was still in bad shape.

It was while watching a Netflix documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, that something clicked in Aaron to go vegan.

He switched to a plant-based diet which he says led to miraculous improvements in his health.

Aaron explained: ‘A fibroscan measuring the inflammation of my liver came in at 75 – the worst possible result.

‘But just months after adopting the vegan diet, my score had dropped by almost a half to 39 and my liver appeared to be functioning normally. I couldn’t believe it, and neither could my doctor.’

Some of the foods Aaron Calder now east as a vegan.
Some of the delicious food Aaron now eats as a vegan (Picture: SWNS)

Aaron started binge drinking as a teenager and became dependent on alcohol to boost his confidence.

But seven years ago, he was put in intensive care and kept in hospital for two weeks.

He had two blood transfusions and was treated for a kidney infection, malnutrition, gout and liver cirrhosis – when scar tissue from the liver replaces normal liver tissue.

Aaron said: ‘My liver was so badly damaged that it couldn’t cope with the blood flow. The blood was blocking up which caused seven veins in my throat to burst.

‘The doctors told me I was very lucky to be alive and said if I drank again I would die. But I have not touched it since my hospital admission.’

Aaron had regular check-ups on his liver cirrhosis but two years after going sober, his liver inflammation wasn’t at its healthiest.

So he tried a different approach – veganism.

Aaron said: ‘I was skeptical at first. As a vegetarian, I was sure that I needed eggs for protein and milk for calcium.

‘But I decided to give the vegan diet a go and started to see massive improvements in my health.’

Some of the foods Aaron Calder now east as a vegan.
Aaron now blogs about his new diet (Picture: SWNS)

Just months after adopting the plant-based diet and switching to wholemeal ingredients, Aaron returned to the hospital for another liver scan.

He said: ‘The results alone showed that my liver was functioning normally. My cholesterol and blood pressure were perfect too.’

But Aaron was surprised by how averse the doctor was to veganism, even after seeing its benefits first-hand.

He added: ‘My doctor immediately saw how well I looked when I walked in. But he didn’t recommend a vegan diet because he thought it lacked vital nutrients. I couldn’t believe it, given my improvements since switching.’

Aaron is now a full-time food blogger and regularly posts his plant-based recipes on Instagram.

He said: ‘People think a vegan diet is strict, but I actually eat a lot of food and still enjoy vegan burgers, chips and chocolate cakes.

‘But I swap the butter, white flour and sugar for avocado oil, wholemeal flour, and maple syrup.’

Aaron returned for further tests in March last year, and for the first time, the fat deposits in his liver had completely cleared.

He said: ‘The vegan diet has played a massive role in my recovery. It has given the body the chance to heal.

‘When I stopped drinking, my liver didn’t improve much. It wasn’t until I adopted the vegan diet that my results started to improve.

‘I am now enjoying my work as a food blogger. I have swapped my alcohol addiction with a focus on making really good food.’

If you’ve made any lifestyle changes and seen impressive results, email to tell us more.

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