Dog thought to be the fattest in Britain loses half her body weight

Lulu, a nine-year-old Rottweiler before the weightloss
Lulu before her weight loss (Picture: SWNS)

Lulu the nine-year-old Rottweiler could hardly move and experienced pain in her back legs when she tipped the scales at 9st 10lbs.

The dog, thought to be the heaviest in Britain, was put on a low-calorie diet after being referred to an animal obesity expert at Small Animal Teaching Hospital at the University of Liverpool.

She was two stone heavier than Britain’s previous fattest dog, a border collie known as Bopper the Whopper.

But after being put on a low-calorie, high protein diet, Lulu lost a staggering 3st 10lbs in 45 weeks.

She is now a much healthier 6st.

Owner Gill Jones, a 66-year-old grandmother of six, said: ‘She was a rescue dog and was born with a problem with her genes.

Lulu, a nine-year-old Rottweiler before the weightloss. See SWNS copy SWLEdog: A dog thought to have been the fattest in Britain was put on a low-calorie diet to lose half her body weight - after she tipped the scales at more than NINE stone. Lulu, a nine-year-old Rottweiler, could hardly move and weighed a whopping 9st 10lbs when she was referred to an animal obesity expert. She was nearly two stone heavier than Britain's previous fattest dog - a border collie known as Bopper the Whopper - who weighed almost 8st when she hit the headlines.
Lulu weighed a whopping 9st 10lbs (Picture: SWNS)

‘Over a progressive period of time, she slowly put weight on.

‘It was only when she went for one of her check ups that we noticed she was overweight.

‘She had always been exercised, we live near the seaside and she was always walked on the beach.

‘She would do about a mile twice a day, but she could never go as far as my other two male Rottweilers.

‘She was always in pain, it was quite uncomfortable to watch her after she had been exercised.

Lulu, a nine-year-old Rottweiler after the weightloss
She was put on a healthy diet (Picture: SWNS)

‘We tried everything, we reduced her food, we tried to exercise her more, but nothing was working. We were at our wit’s end.’

Gill and her husband, Robert, 69, took Lulu to the vets, who referred her to the Small Animal Teaching Hospital, where Professor German put her on a specific diet.

Lulu’s food was full of fibre and protein, which made her feel full, and low in calories, which saw her weight come down in a healthy manner.

‘If you looked at the amount of food we were giving her, you wouldn’t think it would be enough to fill a big dog like her,’ said Gill.

‘But she never went looking for more food, she was always full. Before, she could never get on the couch and wasn’t interested in playing.

‘She jumps on the couch in one leap and will happily sit there watching television.

Lulu, a nine-year-old Rottweiler after the weightloss
She can now run and play again (Picture: SWNS)

‘She has a far better quality of life now. She’s happy, she plays, and she’s always chasing the boys round.

‘She has a different temperament and can move more freely and her whole personality has changed, she’s a lot happier in herself.’

Professor German said obesity in dogs, like in humans, can be caused by a range of factors and can lead to other health issues.

He said: ‘Almost invariably we find it’s not just obesity, in Lulu’s case she had problems with her joints and limbs.

‘She had back limb lameness, which restricted how much she could move. And when she put weight on, that put more pressure on her joints.

‘But by the end of the programme, she had her head up, her tail wagging and she was much more mobile and excitable – all signs of happiness.’

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