When it comes to baby names, one person’s adorable is another’s deeply cringe.
Partners can fall out and families can go to war over what people decide to name their offspring – it’s serious stuff.
One woman has found out the hard way after her reaction to the name her 21-year-old sister and her partner have chosen has landed her firmly on the expectant mum’s bad side.
She shared her side of the story on the Reddit page r/AmItheAsshole – where it was later deleted by page moderators – and detailed how she got into some hot water with people on both sides of the family at her sister’s baby shower.
‘I have a younger sister Ella,’ she wrote. ‘She got married to Sam last year in a small socially distanced wedding. We knew they’d want kids right away, and last Sunday was the baby shower. I knew she’d announce the gender and name at it, but Sam’s mother arranged it so it was a surprise.
‘[At the gender reveal] pink comes out, and we all cheer. Ella goes, “okay name reveal” and that’s when she pulls out a baby onesie with “Samnella” on it.’
Yes, you read that right – Samnella, a bit like ‘Sam and Ella’.

‘There were a few “woo” [noises] but [then] dead silence,’ the poster went on, ‘and I laughed, thinking it wasn’t real. Then I said “Salmonella like food poisoning?”.’
That didn’t go down too well.
‘Sam’s mum freaks out about how it’s a beautiful name,’ the poster goes on. ‘Ella is screaming that I’ve ruined everything and the name was meant to signify the coming together of them.
‘My own mother [is] hissing that I should have kept my mouth shut, how the kid would probably go by Sammy.
‘Not going to lie I left after that. I’m told the party went on, but the mood was different.’
While the mum-to-be is apparently insistent that the majority of people love the name when they hear it, her sister the poster said she believes these people aren’t saying what they really think.
The 28-year-old wrote: ‘Family seems mixed on it, with a fair few agreeing Samnella does sound like salmonella, and caught off guard they’d have giggled too, but also a lot of “well, it’s her baby if she likes the name”.
‘I do think I shouldn’t have laughed, but also, how have multiple people heard Samnella and just thought “yeah sounds cute”? My sister says everyone else loves and compliments the name, I think they’re just being nice.’
Commenters on the post have largely sided with the poster, agreeing that the name is just bananas.
One person wrote: ‘Just when I thought you can’t find a more atrocious “combo” name than Renesmee, someone comes up with Samnella. I can’t even.’
‘If she wanted to join their names she had a perfect option – Elsa,’ commented another. ‘Short. Sweet. Not connected with the bubble guts and projectile vomiting.’
‘I’m 32 and I laughed out loud when I read it because my brain also read “Salmonella”,’ reads someone else’s comment. ‘And quite frankly, if my sister had revealed either of my nieces’ names as something like that I would have ABSOLUTELY, WITHOUT HESITATION, laughed at her too.’
What do you think of the name? Let us know in the comments below.
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source https://metro.co.uk/2023/06/15/i-laughed-when-my-sister-announced-her-babys-name-but-she-wasnt-joking-18959468/