Binge eater who ate frozen potatoes because she couldn’t wait for them to cook loses three stone

Mandy Camish-Bailey, 51, holding up potatoes
Mandy used to be a binge eater (Picture: Mark Bullimore/Mercury Press)

An overweight mum who ate frozen roast potatoes because she couldn’t wait to cook them has now shed three stone.

Mandy Camish-Bailey, 51, weighed 18 stone at her heaviest after bingeing on 12 packets of Wotsits, a pack of Pringles, and a pack of custard creams in just 25 minutes every other day.

‘I felt like a drug addict with food, but I needed it three times a day to survive so I didn’t know how to solve my problems,’ the mum-of-three said.

‘The turning point for me was when I got up one night and found that there was nothing to eat to curb my addictions, so I put a packet of roast potatoes in the oven.

‘But I couldn’t even wait for them to cook so I tried to eat them frozen – it was that bad.’

Mandy, a special needs assistant, has since sought help from a therapist to curb her addiction and began Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) – a technique that tricks the subconscious into reacting more positively to potential triggers.

Now Mandy, from Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk, has shed three stone and dropped five dress sizes – and says her life has changed for the better.

Mandy said: ‘When I was stressed, I’d eat and when I had a good day, I’d eat and this was a continual cycle which I thought I’d never get out of.

‘It got to the point where I was dreaming so much about food – I’d wake up and cry because I hadn’t eaten the food I was thinking about.

‘Last year I came across a BWRT coach, who helped me understand that my issues with food were a coping strategy.

‘I feel like my brain has been taken out, given a good dust and put back in.

Mandy Camish-Bailey, 51, holding a photo of herself before her weight loss
She has now lost three stone (Picture: Mark Bullimore/Mercury Press)

‘For the first time since I was a child, I’m comfortable with being totally me.’

Mandy says she has always struggled with her weight, but hit breaking point after different dieting plans failed to work.

In 2018, her binge eating got so bad, she visited her doctor, who gave her medication to stop her stomach from absorbing fat – but she longed for more help.

After finding a BWRT coach, she identified her eating problems were related to dealing with emotion.

Mandy’s BWRT, Anna Ferguson, said: ‘It works with our most basic part of our brain that deals with automated programmes in your body, such as eating, sleeping, and breathing.

‘But it’s very easy for an automated programme to get stuck in a bad way, especially with things like food, and the brain can filter through past experience to trigger a bad reaction.

‘With Mandy, she identified all kinds of reasons behind why she ate and worked with her strongest memories, so she could logically cope with her emotions.

‘Mandy took to the BWRT like a duck to water and I’m so proud of how far she’s come.’

Mandy coupled the BWRT therapy with drinking two litres of water per day and slowly getting her body moving, and has now managed to strip out her old eating habits.

She now plans to continue her methods to shed another two stone.

Mandy added: ‘I’ve got so much more energy now and go for a run every morning because now I want to be the healthiest I can be.

‘I had an addictive personality but I have now transformed myself to strip my mind back and work out why I do these things.

‘I’ve had to get rid of all of my old clothes and can even hula hoop in an old belt that I kept.

‘It’s absolutely changed my life and I feel like my body has been re-programmed.’


If you suspect you, a family member or friend has an eating disorder, contact Beat on 0808 801 0677 or at, for information and advice on the best way to get appropriate treatment

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