Adoption Month: Why we’re talking about adoption this month

The adoption month logo, whic is an allustration of a pair of hands and a heart
(Picture Myles Goode)

Every child has the right to a loving, stable home. But the reality is that too many face the kind of adversity and trauma most people don’t experience in their lifetime.

It is too easy to let these children get swallowed up by the system without giving them a chance to improve their lot.

What may surprise you is just how many people you know who have these experiences and how often it ended up leading to adoption or fostering in some form.

In equal measure you may find they have stories of the most horrific abuse you would never imagine contrasted with the most inspirational moments of joy.

Perhaps you’re someone who has adopted or is considering adoption but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you know exactly what it’s like to be a child put up for adoption or be reuinted with your birth parents.

Knowing that there are so many people who have been touched by adoption in some way or another, decided to make October our very own awareness month and over the coming weeks we will share stories, expert comment and useful information that all surround one common theme: adoption.

illustration of a hands making the heart symbol with four stick people inside
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

From the foundling who was abandoned when they were just three weeks old, to the man who decided to go it alone and adopt as a single dad, we’ll be speaking to over 30 people who can offer their own unique perspective.

We’ll also delve into the world of the special hatches used across the globe as safe places for babies to be left and cared for, while exploring the best way to announce you’re adopting or celebrate certain milestones.

A raft of experts will be on hand to guide us through the intricate rules and regulations associated with adoption, such as the social media rules that EVERY parent needs to know about, not just adoptive ones.

We’ll be chatting to those at different stages of their adoption journey as well as youngsters who were given up by their birth parents to talk about what it’s really like to be in that situation.

Zoom will also play a part through our weekly video series that pairs up people with similar adoption stories to discuss their shared experiences.

Illustration of a girl and a boy from the back, holding hands
(Picture: Ella Byworth for

With October 12-18 marking National Adoption Week, we’ll be helping raise awareness of their much-needed campaign #YouCanAdopt, which aims to break down stigma surrounding adoption and dispelling myths about eligibility.

But for today, we kick off with the heartbreaking yet inspiring story of a family who, after reading about their plight on Facebook, decided to adopt seven siblings whose parents were killed in a crash.

On top of that we have a moving first person account of what it’s like to adopt a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), something one in four adopted children are either diagnosed with, or suspected to have, according to a report this week from the charity Adoption UK.

Then, we have our first Zoom chat with Sarah and Rich who each decided to adopt as single parents, as well as a guide looking at the first steps for anyone considering adoption.

Over the weeks we’d also love to hear your adoption stories, so if you would like to share your experiences, whether you’ve become adoptive parents or were a child raised by a family you weren’t born into, please do email us at

You can find more Adoption Month content here.

Adoption Month

Adoption Month is a month-long series covering all aspects of adoption.

For the next four weeks, which includes National Adoption Week from 14-19 October, we will be speaking to people who have been affected by adoption in some way, from those who chose to welcome someone else's child into their family to others who were that child.

We'll also be talking to experts in the field and answering as many questions as possible associated with adoption, as well as offering invaluable advice along the way.

If you have a story to tell or want to share any of your own advice please do get in touch at

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