Should you water your plants with ice cubes?

Should you water your plants with ice cubes?
Some people claim that using ice cubes is the way to prevent overwatering – but is that a good idea? (Picture: Getty/

It’s a question that plagues us: why do my houseplants keep dying?

Am I overwatering? Underwatering? Are they in the right place for the proper sunlight? Am I cursed to be a ruthless plant murderer for life?

That overwatering issue is a common affliction.

We see our plants drooping and assume they must be thirsty, fill them up, then weep as they continue to die, unaware that as we show our love by pouring water into their pot we’re in fact drowning them to death.

This is a trap that people so frequently fall into that there are all sorts of expensive products and strange hacks (tampons in the soil, for example) to solve the overwatering issue.

Could the secret lie in ice cubes?

Yep, many plant aficionados have ditching the watering cans in favour of an ice cube tray, opting to water their plants by simply placing ice cubes on the top of the plant’s soil.

This isn’t a new phenomenon, having been discussed among the gardening community for years, but as The Guardian notes, the method has resurfaced through memes on plant-loving Instagram pages.

The idea is simple: using ice cubes means the water is absorbed a touch more slowly, allowing the plant to gradually soak up the liquid as the cube melts.

Window corner full of house plants
Overwatering has killed many a beloved houseplant (Picture: Getty Images/Image Source)

That makes sense in theory, but is the ice cube trick actually a wise idea? Or will this be yet another way to send our leafy pals to an early, waterlogged grave?

Horticulturist and plant care expert Gena Lorraine, of Fantastic Services, says the method could be ‘quite beneficial’.

‘The main benefit of watering your plants with ice cubes is that you lower the possibility of overwatering them,’ Gena tells

‘This ice cube method will help prevent any messy overflow of water and also helps the roots by giving them enough time to absorb the moisture.

‘Ice cubes are also the ideal watering method for hard-to-reach plants such as hanging ones.’

Gena notes that this method should only be used for plants in big pots, however, so that the ice cubes won’t touch the plants directly, just the soil.

‘Just put two to three stakes in the soil in order to make long holes reaching to the middle of the pot,’ she advises. ‘Then place a large ice cube on top of each hole and that’s enough water to last most plants a week.’

Zach Morgan, a horticulturist and plant expert at Allan’s Gardeners, strongly disagrees, and warns that sticking ice cubes anywhere your plant could kill them. Oh.

‘Plants hate huge temperature swings, especially on their roots,’ he explains. ‘The cold from ice cube could kill your plants if it comes in direct contact.’

Again, you’ve got that important note about not letting your ice cubes come into direct contact with your plant – so if you do have your heart set on trying this technique, at least make sure the ice cubes aren’t nestled right up to your plant and have room to melt throughout the pot.

Man repotting green plant (Monstera Deliciosa)
Some experts aren’t fans of the ice cube trick (Picture: Getty Images/Cavan Images RF)

Zach goes on to say that while lots of people claims the ice cube method works for their plants, he believes that ‘root shock’ could be taking place beneath the soil’s surface, and that the trick’s supposed benefits simply aren’t worth the risk.

He tells us: ‘Some hardy plants might be tough enough to take that watering method, but more delicate ones won’t survive for sure.

‘The people who recommend that watering method claim that it’s ideal because the slow-melting ice allows better water absorption.

‘Yes, overwatering is the main reason why people kill their plants but ice cubes are not the solution.

‘Many people could say “Hey, I’ve been watering my plants with ice cubes for a long time, and there is no harm!”

‘Well, keep in mind that root shock can take time to show, and the symptoms can take months before manifesting.

Houseplants in a Window
Learn how to tell if your houseplant(Picture: Getty Images)

‘This method is used to prevent overwatering but in many cases, the plant won’t get enough water and die eventually.

‘Just think about it – if we put 2-3 ice cubes into the pot, they’ll melt before the water has a chance to reach the roots.

‘It’s better not to experiment and water our plants the old-fashioned way – with room temperature water.’

Well, that’s us told.

As the experts say, it’s possible that ice cubes could work to water a plant, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best method.

Instead, it might be better to just learn how to water plants correctly, when they need it, rather than trying more complicated hacks for tackling overwatering.

So, how should we water our plants?

How often to water your houseplants

The key thing is to not take a one-size-fits-all approach, or think you need to water all plants on the same strict watering schedule.

Some plants need more frequent watering, while others can go months without a drop.

Yes, have a search of your individual plant’s preferences online so you know what suits them best, but the best method is just checking if your plant needs a hydration session, rather than sticking to a strict routine.

How to know if houseplants need watering

An easy trick: check the soil.

‘Avoid watering your plants on a schedule,’ says Gena. ‘So instead of watering your pots every Saturday morning without checking the soil’s moisture opt for the opposite.

‘Always check the soil’s moisture by poking your finger two inches into it. This will give you a clear indication of your plant needs watering. If the soil is still moist, refrain from watering it. If it’s dry, give it some water.’

Watering Can
Red watering can in a home environment, holding a red watering can and watering a plant. (Credits: Getty Images)

What temperature water should you use to water houseplants?

You probably don’t need to bother with a thermometer just for your plants, but avoid water that’s ice cold or very warm.

‘The optimum water temperature should be around 20°C (at room temperature). A higher temperature lacks oxygen and can lead to mould, while the lower temperature won’t stimulate the root’s growing mechanism,’ says Zach. ‘You can’t always control the right temperature at home, but at least don’t use extremely cold or hot water.’

What time of day should you water plants?

Both Zach and Gena agree: water your plants in the morning.

‘It’s good to water in the early mornings when the temperatures are cool and there is less evaporation,’ says Zach.

Gena adds: ‘It’s important to choose the right time of day to water your plants, which in most cases is the morning, between 8 and 10am.’

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