Postman makes friends with every animal he meets on the job

Postman hugging various dogs
A dog person if I’ve ever seen one (Picture: @carteiroamigodosanimais)

Any job that lets you befriend pets is a pretty sweet gig.

For one postman, the cats, dogs, and other animals he meets along the way are friends he gets to see again and again.

Cristiano da Silva Antunes, from Sao Paulo, Brazil, has become famous for befriending animals and even has a Facebook page documenting his adventures.

Though mailmen are often known for not getting along with dogs, Cristiano is usually pictured posing away with adorable pooches.

It’s not just sweet doggos Cristiano meets on the job, he’s also friendly with cats, rabbits, and more.

As part of his job, Cristiano often makes return trips to the same properties meaning he gets to see his canine friends again.

Cristiano shares the sweet images on his Facebook where you’ll see him greeting almost every breed of dog.

His page is even named Carteiro Amigo Dos Animais – which translates as the animal-friendly postman.

Mailman makes friends with every animal he meets on the job
Wow look at the size of this doggy (Picture: @carteiroamigodosanimais)
Mailman makes friends with every animal he meets on the job
Big hugs for Cristiano (Picture: @carteiroamigodosanimais)

There’s a bit of a stereotype that dogs don’t like postmen so Cristiano ensures he approaches them safely and from a distance so they can warm to him.

If a doggo looks particularly unfriendly, Cristiano will let them sniff him until they are comfortable with his presence.

After the second or third time, the dogs are usually on friendly terms with Cristiano.

And some grow to love him, giving him a big lick on arrival.

Though Cristiano loves his job, he hopes to change career and work with animals in the future.

Mailman makes friends with every animal he meets on the job
And a lick (Picture: @carteiroamigodosanimais)
Mailman makes friends with every animal he meets on the job
The cats want in on the action too (Picture: @carteiroamigodosanimais)

Cristiano wants to open his own animal shelter where he can take in strays and nurse them to health.

He’s already rehabilitating the street animals he sees while en route.

If Cristiano sees a stray who looks weak or injured, he transports them to the local vet’s or shelter for them to take of the animals.

What a stand-up guy.

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