A third of people have become more eco-friendly since lockdown

woman with recycling
Have your household habits improved? (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

As well as being generally more hygienic, it seems people have been going greener since lockdown.

New research – commissioned by Princes Fish – shows that a third of UK households have become more eco-friendly over the past few months, by doing simple things like turning lights off, recycling more carefully and showering instead of bathing.

A study of 2,000 adults who live with someone else found households have also been cracking down on energy usage.

It seems lots of families have been making small environmentally-friendly changes. More than three in 10 (31%) of those surveyed said they now only fill the kettle with as much water as they actually need, while 27% have been turning electricals off at the socket and 22% are washing clothes at lower temperatures.

Many have also been making more of an effort in regards to food, with 27% saying they’ve recently been eating everything on their plates to reduce food waste and 28% have been batch cooking. Likewise, 27% of those surveyed said they have been buying canned and frozen food to cut down on waste.

The study also revealed that 28% have upcycled old household items and 29% have been cycling or walking to places, rather than driving.

Mat Lowery, commercial director at Princes, said: ‘As the research shows, families around the UK have come together to be more sustainable during the past six months.

‘It’s great to see that families really care about the environment and make it a priority within their busy lives.

‘We know that small steps can make a huge difference so everything that we do as a nation to be ‘greener’ can have a really positive impact.’

Of course, the survey only asked 2,000 people but it gives us an idea of where things are heading.

Top 20 ways households have become greener in 2020, according to Princes Fish

1. Sorting the recycling more carefully

2. Turning unused lights off

3. Making sure they put the recycling out every week

4. Taking more care to rinse and clean recyclables

5. Using up leftovers to cut down on food waste

6. Only filling the kettle with as much water as needed

7. Making sure taps aren’t left running needlessly

8. Cutting down on meat

9. Cycling or walking to places rather than driving, where possible

10. Upcycling household items

11. Cooking in batches to cut down on food waste

12. Monitoring the heating/making sure it’s not on needlessly

13. Eating everything on their plates

14. Having a shower rather than a bath

15. Turning electricals off at the socket

16. Buying canned food and frozen food to cut down on food waste

17. Washing clothes at low temperatures

18. Eating more sustainably produced foods

19. Home growing fruit and vegetables

20. Using environmentally friendly cleaning products

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/09/23/third-households-become-more-eco-friendly-since-lockdown-13314158/
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