Man with a stammer shares how coronavirus face masks are making life harder

william laven shares how coronavirus face masks make life with a stammer harder
William Laven has had a stammer his entire life (Picture: William Laven/

William Laven, 22, has had a stammer his whole life – but he says the pandemic has made it harder to live with.

William, who’s just finished an apprenticeship in public relations, tells that his parents first knew ‘something wasn’t right’ when his first words came a lot later than other children his age.

Medical professionals said they didn’t think William’s speech would ‘ever develop to be fully fluent’, and so he was taught certain sign language.

‘They then realised that I was starting to speak normally, however I didn’t have a full fluent vocabulary until I was seven,’ William says.

For 10 years, William went to speech therapy every single week. Over this time, his stammer has ‘got better’, but he doesn’t think it will ever go away.

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He explains: ‘When I was younger my stammer was very severe to the point where I nearly struggled on every word. Since having speech therapy, that has improved my stammer hugely as I have been given different techniques to use when I do stammer – but also as I am now older it is not as bad.

‘Everyone who stammers has it completely different, I know that I only stammer on certain letters such as H’s & A’s.

‘If you met me 10 years ago and met me today you wouldn’t think I am the same person because of how different my stammer is.

‘No matter how fluent I am, I am still very conscious about it and it is always on my mind.’

What does it mean to have a stammer and what is the cause?

Stammering is a neurological condition that makes it physically hard to speak.

Someone who stammers will repeat, prolong or get stuck on sounds or words. There might also be signs of visible tension as the person struggles to get the word out.

Stammering is the same thing as stuttering, it’s just a different term used more often in the UK.

The causes of stammering have perplexed people who stammer, researchers and therapists for centuries but we are getting closer to finding the answers. Unfortunately, there is no cure for stammering.

Most stammering develops during childhood and is a neurological, rather than a psychological, condition. Subtle changes within the brain result in a physical difficulty in talking.

Stammering isn’t caused by anxiety or stress, although people may stammer more when stressed or anxious.

It is often a hereditary condition – about 60% of people who stammer have another family member who stammers. Most adults who stammer, around 75%, are male. When it begins in childhood, this is known as developmental stammering.

William says having a stammer has changed his life for ‘good and for bad’. As he also has dyslexia and dyspraxia, he was ‘always treated in a different way’ because he needed extra support.

He tells us: ‘One of the biggest things about having a stammer is the anxiety and fear of how people will portray your stammer if you don’t know them.

‘I have faced a lot of bullying when I was younger but also there were certain aspects I would find really difficult.

‘Some of the comments I used to get were “Can’t you finish your sentences?” or “Why can’t you say your own name?”.

‘This used to really knock my confidence as it meant that I would never want to speak out. That was so tough, as I loved talking to people.

‘Kids are direct and they point out the truth.

‘What people don’t realise is that we can’t change our speech like a person who wears glasses could wear contact lenses.

‘There have been reports that have shown that young people with a stammer have really bad mental health problems and can get very upset because at the end of the day, we don’t have an alternative to our voice.

‘One thing I found very hard was the school register, as my name is William I was at the end of the list and because I find H’s hard saying “here” was really tough as the room went silent.

‘I am a very positive person and I have learnt to not let it stop me getting down and thinking of ways to improve myself. I make the most of every experience and I never let it hold me back.’

As his stammer has improved over the years, William is ‘very conscious’ to not let it have a negative effect on his adult life. Every company he has worked for has been ‘so supportive’ and always wants to learn more about it – but he finds interviews very difficult.

He said: ‘Everyone gets anxious before an interview and when I am anxious my stammer gets worse. That means I am sometimes more self-conscious of my stammer more than the actual interview.

‘You have that moment of should I tell them – but why wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t be you if you hid your stammer and didn’t let them know. I find picking up the phone quite hard so when I get a call from an unknown number I really struggle saying “hello”. I have had it a few times when people have put the phone down because they think I am not there.’

There have been some negative experiences for William, unfortunately. A few months ago he was on his way to a meeting and couldn’t find a platform at the tube station.

man with a stammer William Laven, sitting in an egg chair
William has found working from home and wearing face masks difficult, but video calls have been a big help (Picture: William Laven)

He says: ‘I asked the guard for directions and they were very brief. I went back to the guard as I was still lost and he was quite rude to me but most importantly he rolled his eyes when I stammered.

‘That was a hard moment because I knew my stammer was bad because I was nervous about being late for my meeting but also it made me quite distressed and embarrassed as other people were around me.’

When the UK went into lockdown, William was forced to work from home, which made him realise just how much he depended on socialising to improve his stammer.

‘It was quite a shock for us all when we started working from home but what I didn’t realise was how much my stammer is dependent on talking to people all the time,’ he says.

‘What I mean by that is when I am busy and socialising my stammer is very fluent as I’m not really thinking about it but when I don’t talk as much my stammer isn’t that good.

‘I say it is currently like a cold car – the engine is warming up but still hasn’t got up to temperature.’

Phone calls can be difficult, but our new reliance on video call software, such as Zoom, has helped.

William says he’s lucky in that the team he works with are very active and talkative – so it has been quite a shock to not have that while working at home. Everything has been done over the phone or Zoom, including exams for his apprenticeship.

But he doesn’t feel nervous around his team as they are so supportive and know that his stammer ‘may happen at any time’. He’s given time to speak, and actually loves video chatting with them. It makes him more comfortable to see people’s faces, or talking to people he knows. He even initiates calls and quizzes himself.

‘One of the things I used to hate the most about my stammer was using the phone,’ William says. ‘I find H’s quite hard, so picking up the phone and saying “Hello” can be rather tricky and the call doesn’t start smoothly.

‘I soon realised once I started applying for jobs that I needed to look into finding options that would make me comfortable using the phone.

‘I am fine when I’m speaking with friends or people I know, but receiving calls from unknown numbers can throw me off and I would panic. It would give me anxiety as you don’t know what to expect on their side and how they’ll react to your stammer.

‘Now I make calls all the time. I’m way more confident with the phone but also with video calls.

‘I was taught a method called Camperdown, which really helped me as it basically teaches you to talk slower and really pronounce the letters. I have even taught my team how to do it as they found it quite interesting.’

But one thing that has been difficult for William throughout the pandemic is wearing face masks; as this prevents people from realising he has a stammer.

man with a stammer William Laven
William is raising money for Action For Stammering Children (Picture: William Laven)

‘It has been tough,’ he tells us. ‘Normally I get anxious when I ask for help in a shop because of my stammer but normally they can at least see that I am trying to say a word or a sentence.

‘However, as people can’t see that I am stammering they give me odd looks and finish my sentences as they don’t think I am responding to them, which is not the case.’

William worries about how widespread use of face masks will impact others with a stammer.

‘I definitely think people will find this as a step back as it will make them even more anxious and no one has really thought about how a mask would affect someone with a speech impediment,’ he says.

‘Lots of different charities are making a mask that says “I stammer so please give me time”. This is such a great invention and it will work for lots of people, however I think it may make people more self-conscious.

‘With or without a mask I am very self conscious of my stammer in the scenario of when I would be talking to a stranger. When I wear a mask people can’t see that I stammer so either they get impatient or think I say something else.’

He hopes that by talking more openly about his stammer, William will encourage people to show more understanding for those struggling to speak while wearing a mask.

‘As annoying as it is I have realised that I can put up with it for the meantime as I don’t need to wear a mask for my job,’ he explains. ‘I know I have my “special needs” I want to be treated normally but I want people to be aware.’

William says he has used the pandemic ‘as a learning curve’ for his stammer – especially as he has prepared himself and conquered the fear of picking up the phone.

Having spent his life dealing with bullies, people who don’t understand and constant therapy to try to improve his speech, William has now become a ‘Stambassador’ for Action for Stammering Children, a charity that helps people with a stammer by offering a helpline, as well as acting as a resource centre to learn more and find out about recent studies.

William tells us: ‘As a Stambassador I help inspire young people who are afraid of doing the transition of education to going into the big working world. I also go to different events and talk to people about what it is like to have a stammer and how it affects me.

‘Since the pandemic the helpline has risen by 57% which is massive. These calls are mainly from worried parents or therapists to ask for advice as they haven’t witnessed stammering like this before.’

From his own experience, William has come up with three big tips for how to help people with a stammer without being patronising.

He said: ‘Let us speak. Never finish our sentences for us.

‘Don’t equate your occasional struggle with words to a person who has been coping with a stammer their whole life.

‘And finally, recognise that a stammer is part of who someone is. It may be something people cope with and manage… but it is always there.’

William is currently raising money for Action for Stammering Children. You can donate through JustGiving.

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