Majority of pet owners cancel plans to hang out with four-legged friends, says study

pet owner with cat
They know how to tug at our heartstrings (Picture: Getty)

We’re a nation obsessed with our pets.

But a new study has proved just how much they mean to us.

Pet genetics company, Wisdom Health Genetics, have published the 2020 Pet Census, which surveyed 13,000 pet-owning participants.

Research showed that 72% of dog owners and 32% of cat owners have actually cancelled plans to spend quality time with their four-legged friends.

Likewise, it seems we view our pooches and kitties as equals, as 64% of ‘pet parents’ said they regard their dog or cat as being their child or family member, and 17% of pets even have their very own social media accounts.

What’s more, the research confirmed that pets have a positive impact on our mental health, with a staggering 99% of dog owners and 96% of cat owners saying they think this the case for them.

Audrey Yoo, general manager at Wisdom Health Genetics, said: ‘In the last ten years, our pets have undergone an incredible lifestyle evolution. And they now play a central role in our own lives – whether they’re improving our mental health, especially in these unique times, or sharing a spot in our beds.’

But it seems the copious amount of love we have for our pets can sometimes come back to bite us.

Research has recently found that pooches are picking up allergies because humans are pampering them too much with overly decadent lifestyles.

This kindness could also be contribute to our utility bills, according to other research, which has found cat and dog owners can spend up to 10% of the average annual energy bill on their pets.

But can you really blame us when they are so cute?

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