Toddler has to be rescued by firefighters after getting his head stuck in a toilet seat

Toddler with toilet seat on his head
Poor Callum (Picture: Jake McPherson SWNS)

Children – there’s no turning your back on them, even for a minute.

You never know what surprises they’ll have for you (especially where Sudocrem is involved).

One mum who had nipped down to make a coffee was shocked when she found out her son had managed to get a toilet seat stuck on his head.

Mum Kirsty Smith from Bristol realised that son Callum Slouch was taking longer than usual in the bathroom.

The two-year-old had only just started using the toilet independently – and appears to still be learning how it all works.

Callum emerged from the bathroom with the child seat firmly wrapped around his neck.

Kirsty, 30, called the fire service, who said they would send an engine but, realising that would be overkill, she decided to march him to the station on foot instead.

Friendly firefighters removed the seat with a large pair of pliers before letting Callum sit in the trucks and play with the lights.

2 year old Callum Souch with a toilet seat stuck on his head
His mum made him do a walk of shame up to the fire station (Picture: Jake McPherson SWNS)

Kirsty said she plans to frame the pictures of her son’s mishap and give them to him for 18th birthday.

The mum-of-three said: ‘I was making a cup of coffee when Callum said he needed the toilet. I said: “Go for it, little man”.

‘He was taking a lot longer than usual – and then came out with the toilet seat around his neck, looking like he had won the lottery.

‘We tried to get it off but it was really hurting him, so we called the fire service.

‘They were originally going to send out a massive truck but I said that wasn’t necessary, so we walked.’

Callum and his sister
Mum Kirsty says they won’t let him live it down (Picture: Jake McPherson SWNS)

Though it was probably not the most fun walk for Callum, luckily the Bedminster Fire Station was only five minutes away.

Kirsty added: ‘We saw our neighbours on the way – they laughed!

‘The firefighters were lovely. They made a couple of jokes, but they made him feel so welcome.

Callum Souch, 2, at a park near his home. Bristol.
Callum when he doesn’t have a toilet seat around his neck (Picture: Jake McPherson SWNS)

‘There’s no forgetting this. His first boyfriend or girlfriend will see these pictures. They’re going to be on the wall for his 18th.

‘We are now getting him one that’s fitted to the toilet seat – but knowing Callum something will happen again.’

Good luck, Callum.

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