The UK’s most popular paint colour is a Farrow and Ball blue

Farrow and Ball Hague Blue
The deep blue is a hit with interior design fans (Picture: Farrow and Ball)

A study by has revealed that we’re a nation with expensive taste when it comes to decorating our homes, and the most popular paint colour for every room except the bathroom is Farrow and Ball’s Hague Blue.

They looked at searches for paint colours for each room, with the deep, greenish blue coming out on top.

8,760 people searched for this colour – accounting for 37% of the top five searches.

And it seems Farrow and Ball as a brand were overwhelmingly popular, making up four out of five of the top paint colours.

With prices upwards of £100 for a five litre tub, it might seem surprising that the status-symbol brand are so popular. But, we’re banking that some people search for Farrow and Ball then go to a paint mixing station to replicate it for a cheaper price – and we have to respect that hustle.

The only room where Farrow and Ball didn’t reign supreme was the bathroom, with the most popular paint colour being Dulux’s Sapphire Salute.

Farrow and Ball Hague Blue
Blue evokes feelings of stability and calm (Picture: Farrow and Ball)

And Farrow and Ball’s Inchyra Blue and Stiffkey Blue also had high search levels. Do we all have the blues?

Regardless of brand, grey was the most popular colour overall, suggested Mrs Hinch’s recommendations might stretch to more than just cleaning products.

The only real standout in the study was Farrow and Ball’s Sulking Room Pink, which is a subtle, dusky, and feminine colour that accounted for 21% of the top five searches relating to paint colours for the bedroom.

The psychology of blue in decoration is to evoke feelings of calm and serenity. It’s also thought to create a feeling of loyalty, reliability, and stability.

For grey, it’s considered a colour that’s neutral and conservative, but can evoke a feeling of boredom or coldness.

It might just be a lick of paint, but these results say a lot about who we are and how we like our living spaces to make us feel.

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