Mum paints incredible moon and forest mural on her unborn son’s bedroom wall

Rebecca Jeffery hand-painting a moon and forest mural on her unborn son's bedroom wall
Rebecca Jeffrey has put her time in lockdown to good use by creating an incredible moon and forest mural on her unborn son’s bedroom wall (Picture: SWNS)

Please send all virtual DIY points to Rebecca Jeffrey, 28.

Rebecca has just unveiled the end result of a three-day project: a stunning hand-painted mural on her unborn son’s bedroom wall.

The mum wanted to put her time in lockdown to good use, so spend hours carefully painting a moon and forest scene ahead of her son’s arrival in September.

Rebecca, of Folkestone, Kent, said: ‘This is our rainbow baby. We had a miscarriage a couple of years ago so I just wanted to do something really special for when he arrives.

‘We already have a five-year-old daughter, Orla, so we got her involved with it as well.

A talented pregnant mum has gone viral after creating this incredible hand-painted mural on her unborn son's bedroom wall
Rebecca just getting started on the painting (Picture: Rebecca Jeffrey / SWNS.COM)
Rebecca Jeffrey painting a moon and forest on her unborn son's bedroom wall
Adding in the tops of the trees (Picture: Rebecca Jeffrey / SWNS.COM)

‘Orla, my husband and me painted the other walls in his room and then I did the feature wall freehand.

‘I really liked the idea of a night sky theme, and I decided to paint a snowy forest and mountains to add a bit more of a story.

‘I thought it would be quite a calming design for him, and something that will interest him for years to come.’

Rebecca Jeffrey and daughter Orla painting an incredible moon and forest mural on the wall
Rebecca’s daughter Orla lent a helping hand (Picture: Rebecca Jeffrey / SWNS.COM)
A talented pregnant mum has gone viral after creating this incredible hand-painted mural on her unborn son's bedroom wall.
Stunning (Picture: Rebecca Jeffrey / SWNS.COM)

Rebecca, who works as a support worker for adults with challenging behaviour, studied art in school and then went on to do a foundation diploma in art and design at college – so she knows her stuff.

When she shared photos of the mural online, she received more than 33,000 likes and comments from people blown away by her work.

A talented pregnant mum has gone viral after creating this incredible hand-painted mural on her unborn son's bedroom wall. See SWNS story SWSYpainting. A talented pregnant mum has gone viral after creating this incredible hand-painted mural on her unborn son's bedroom wall. Rebecca Jeffery, 28, painted a large moon and forest scene and posted pictures of her three day art project on social media. She decided to put the free time she had in lockdown to good use by decorating her unborn son's room ready for his arrival in September. After sharing her impressive freehand art online, she received 33,000 likes, and thousands of comments from people interested in hiring her for her decorating skills.
Wow (Picture: Rebecca Jeffrey / SWNS.COM)

The mum added: ‘It was so lovely seeing everyone’s comments, because I’ve always known I’ve been okay at art but sometimes you don’t believe that your quite good enough.

‘Hearing people say that they’d pay for that in they’re own rooms was amazing.’

Rebecca is now considering creating art pages specifically for her work, with a view to doing some paid work for people in the future.

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