Simple hack will supercharge your mushrooms with extra vitamin D

Fresh Agaricus bisporus mushrooms
Your mushrooms are about to get even better (Picture: Getty Images)

A health expert has revealed a simple way to give your mushrooms a boost of vitamin D – meaning we can get more of it in our diets.

It couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is put your mushrooms in sunlight before eating them.

Nutritionist, Lily Soutter says this easy trick is a great way to give yourself a boost of vitamin D, which is vital in maintaining a strong immune system.

Lily teamed up with the Mushroom Bureau to educate people about the benefits of this unassuming vegetable and to share her advice on how to get the most out of them.

‘Vitamin D is a vital component to support our immune system and has a wealth of other benefits that help us care for our overall health too,’ says Lily.

‘From keeping our bones healthy, as it works to regulate our intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, to improved resistance against certain diseases.’

Lily says the sunshine trick works because mushrooms have a similar skin to that of humans.

‘Mushrooms naturally contain provitamin D and once in contact with the sun, they absorb vitamin D almost instantly, boosting their vitamin D content naturally,’ she explains.

‘Whilst enriched mushrooms will naturally come with a greater vitamin D content, you can easily add a natural dose of vitamin D to the regular British or Irish mushrooms by simply placing them on a windowsill when the sun is at its strongest between 10 am and 3 pm for around 15-120 minutes.’

It really couldn’t be simpler.

Speaking about the meat-free alternative, Soutter reveals that mushrooms are one of the only foods that vegans can source vitamin D from naturally.

‘With a short shelf life, mushrooms last a maximum of nine days before they lose their vitamin content, due to their high respiration rate,’ she adds. ‘Shopping the freshest, locally sourced mushrooms that have travelled fewer miles will ensure you consume the most nutritious mushrooms available.

‘By checking the label and seeking out mushrooms from Britain and Ireland, we can enjoy nutrient-dense fresh mushrooms with a lower carbon footprint, all whilst supporting local farmers – it really is a win-win for all.’

Recent reports have suggested that one in five of us are deficient in vitamin D, so any techniques to boost our diets are welcome.

‘Simply sourcing locally and making the most of the sunnier months ahead could help you and your family get that daily dose of vitamin D,’ said a spokesperson for the Mushroom Bureau.

‘As well as this, keep an eye out in store for “Vitamin D” highlighted labels on packs as another way of getting that much-needed vit-hit.’

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