Back to school! A look into how secondary schools are finding the phase back to class

Three weeks after primary schools began their phased reopening, secondary schools have followed suit. So, how’s it gone?

‘We’re pleased to get back to making a difference for young people’

Elstella, year 10 pupil from Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent
Elstella, year 10 pupil from Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent

For a school that teaches ‘anything is possible’, the Victory Academy in Chatham, Kent, has risen to the challenge of safely and successfully reopening after the pandemic.

One week after welcoming back Years 10 and 12, feedback from the parents has been very positive – but it’s the students who are most excited to be back.

‘I am really happy to be in school again,’ says Year 10 pupil Elstella, 15. ‘At first, I was nervous about coming in, but as soon as I saw my friends, I relaxed a bit. I was so pleased they were OK, because I have worried about them every day while I’ve been at home, even though we text a lot.’

Lockdown has been a tougher time for some than others. With higher than the national average levels of deprivation reflected within the Victory Academy community, it sometimes means that IT access is limited.

For performing arts student Elstella, mum Stella was pleased that classes could resume before summer to improve her daughter’s access to learning.

Says Elstella: ‘At home, it’s more difficult to work because I share my laptop with my older sister, who is studying for A-levels next year. At school, I have my own desk, which I love. Also, the teachers can explain the work I need to do before my GSCEs next year.’

Just as with the 68 Sixth Formers who returned last week, Elstella’s year group of 138 has been split into cohorts of no more than 15, hand picked according to student needs.

Last week, Elstella’s cohort was the first with full attendance – a triumph for the newly reopened Victory Academy. ‘We’ve been delighted with the numbers,’ says principal Mandy Gage. ‘We hope it will steadily increase as we reassure parents that it is safe to come back.

‘Cheering the first Year 10 student on to site was a fantastic moment for the staff. Just to see children back in the building – their appreciation of being back, being with friends and having face-to-face teaching – has made all our hard work worthwhile.’

Principal Mandy Gage of Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent
Principal Mandy Gage of Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent

Gage, 48, who is also director of education for the Thinking Schools Academy Trust, has implemented a ‘robust’ system of risk assessments for the return, which has involved constant communication with parents and students via telephone, newsletters and even doorstep visits where necessary.

Following the successful reopenings of 12 primary schools under the trust’s umbrella, many of the same safeguarding strategies were used to reopen its secondary schools, as CEO Stuart Gardner explains.

‘National data suggest that students from deprived backgrounds have been hardest hit in terms of mental health and wellbeing.

‘Now that our students are safely back on site, our priority is to re-establish a positive climate for learning, which includes overcoming any barriers, like anxiety or mental health challenges caused by the coronavirus crisis.

‘As such, we call our small learning cohorts “family bubbles” because they help students feel safe and supported in order to learn effectively.’

Instead of diving straight back into traditional lessons, bubble leads will guide students through the same work they would have been given at home to promote independent learning.

Social distancing in a classroom at Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent
Social distancing in a classroom at Victory Academy, Chatham, Kent

‘We want to be sure that what we do in the classroom follows on at home, especially as we approach summer,’ says Mandy Gage. ‘In school, we can provide bespoke intervention that supports this learning.’

Since speaking with families after students’ first day back, the feedback has been that children felt ‘safe and well supported’. But the challenge of overcoming all parents’ objections is not over yet.

‘Naturally, we have parents who still feel unsure,’ says Gage. ‘We invite those parents to site, once it’s empty, to see it for themselves.

‘I want them to be as confident as I am that we are going above and beyond – as a school and a trust – to ensure the safety of young people, because they matter to us as much as they do to them.’

‘It’s worked better than we hoped – the children have adapted well’

Andrea Parker, head teacher at Bonneville School, Lambeth, South London
Andrea Parker, head teacher at Bonneville School, Lambeth, South London

Three weeks ago, primary school head Andrea Parker was ‘desperately’ awaiting the reopening of Bonneville School in Lambeth, South London, after three months away.

Speaking from site last week, Parker said that it went better than they could have imagined: ‘I’m exceedingly proud of how it’s gone. It’s been a really slick operation.

‘The best part has been seeing the children’s reactions. They have been thrilled to see their friends and teachers – you can tell it meant so much.’

Previously, Parker – who is also lead headteacher for Jessop and Stockwell Primary Schools – spoke about the rigorous cleaning regulations, newly arranged classrooms and staggered timetables put in place across all three schools in preparation for the reopening earlier this month.

From watching the children, she has been impressed with how understanding they have been of the new measures, saying the UK Government’s ‘bubble’ strategy has become instinctive for the young ones.

‘We’re used to seeing the children go off in their little friendship groups at playtimes, but now the children stick to their full bubbles, and they are really supportive of each other within those groups – no child is left behind.’

Since successfully welcoming back 96 children to Bonneville in the first week, numbers have steadily increased to achieve between 50 and 80 per cent attendance across Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. ‘There was no reluctance in any of the schools – they were as excited as we were. In fact, many parents have been active in reassuring others who were initially uncertain,’ says Parker.

Bonneville School, Lambeth, South London
Example of newly arranged teaching spaces at Bonneville School, Lambeth, South London

‘The parents themselves did a great job of preparing the children for what was to come, and the school supported that process with videos of the new set-up and subsequent newsletters. That communication and co-operation has really helped the routines stick.’

Parent Miriam Paridjanian admits that she had her reservations about sending ten-year-old daughter Rosa back, despite feeling reassured that Bonneville was ‘very well’ prepared.

‘We were apprehensive, obviously, but I was desperate for my daughter to go back, because she was getting a bit down at home.’

A qualified teacher herself, Paridjanian found homeschooling ‘challenging’, and says Rosa seemed ‘despondent and unmotivated’. ‘She is normally very bright and bubbly, but she just wasn’t happy,’ says Paridjanian.

‘Since we sent her back, she’s perked up so much – she’s like a different child. It’s made a difference to the whole family.’

Back at school: The benefits

Developmental cognitive neuroscientist Dr Sam Wass, who leads the Baby and Child Development Lab at the University of East London, explains why going back is so important for pupils


With homeschooling, lots of children will have become quite reliant on parents and, for adults, it’s nice to feel needed. However, it’s important to encourage children to work for themselves and prepare mentally for this idea that you’re not always going to be around.


Generally, younger children find it harder to focus their attention because the ability to work on our own improves as we get older. Research suggests that these children are the most likely to benefit from being around a lot of other people doing the same thing.


Peer-on-peer interactions are vastly different to interacting with an adult. There is competition among equals – like deciding who gets to be captain in a game, who can be friends with whom. That’s when children learn how to be persuasive or stand up for themselves, and these are crucial life skills.


Particularly for children that have quite disrupted home lives, the structure of school is more relaxing because they know that the same thing happens at the same time every day.


For a child who’s had a really emotionally challenging couple of months, talking to another child who’s been in a similar situation is the best way of letting it out. Other children can often see it from the same point of view.


At this stage, it’s hard to tell how the experience of being taken away from other children could affect them, but when we look at animals in isolation situations, often they display higher levels of stress.


Many parents will worry that children might have missed out on English and maths, particularly in early years, but art and sports are also really important for children’s mental wellbeing.


After a tough few months, a bit of light relief will be welcome. Just the chance to muck around or be a kid again is what a lot of them have been missing.

This is UK Government information for readers in England only. Check with your local authority for the latest news on schools opening in your area.

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