Please don’t give yourself a stick and poke tattoo at home during lockdown

 Erfan, and Iranian who lives in Sweden is given a traditional Thai bamboo tattoo
Leave this kind of thing to the professionals please (Picture: In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images)

Many people are using the lockdown as an excuse to experiment with their looks in new ways but that should not include an impromptu home tattoo.

From trying facial hair to letting your hair self clean to the near-trope that is the lockdown buzzcut, this time of limited social interaction combined with boredom has resulted in, among other things, a widespread urge to try new things when it comes to our appearances.

Psychologist Daria Kuss, the course leader of Cyberpsychology at Nottingham Trent University, previously told ‘Similar to other possible changes in one’s looks, some individuals may decide that they want to shave their head during lockdown for reasons of boredom and because they may not see their colleagues, friends and families face to face for the foreseeable future, setting the scene for experimentations with outward appearance.’

Now that’s all very well and good, but one new lockdown look trend has reared its ugly head dispite the fact that the experts warn that you should not try this at home: stick and poke tattooing.

Sure, stick and poke tattoos look cute as heck, but if you have your heart set on getting one, please wait until such a time that you can get a professional to do one for you.

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a stick and poke tattoo
Cute and professionally done to boot (Picture: Miranda Larbi)

When asked what she would say to someone thinking of doing their own stick and poke tattoo at home, tattoo artist Suki Lune of Vaporwave Tattoo told ‘In short my answer would be no, it’s really not advisable, especially so at the moment!

‘Tattoo suppliers aren’t even up and running right now so you couldn’t get the proper safety equipment even if you wanted to do it properly.

‘Infection indeed is one thing that can be really horrible and land you in hospital, which you don’t want right now.

‘First and foremost people seem to forget that you’re dealing with blood and that means hepatitis and HIV- those are two things you really don’t want to live with, weather there’s a pandemic or not.’

Tattoo artist Ella Storm agrees that you should swerve DIY stick and poke tats, telling us that perfect hygiene and professional knowledge are absolutely key in tattooing.

She says: ‘I think during this unusual time people are more likely to act impulsively out of boredom, but for best results, it’s well worth waiting until tattoo shops open and going to a professional.

‘I know several artists who use this method (known as handpoke in the industry) and although they don’t use machines, they still require professional equipment which you won’t have at home.

a young tattooed woman in a cafe
She’s probably smiling because she got her tattoos done in a safe and professional environment (Credits: Getty Images)

‘You need proper tattoo needles, and quality ink that’s safe for the body, as well as comprehensive knowledge on hygiene. 

‘You’re essentially creating a wound in your skin and everything that touches that area will need to be totally sterile, otherwise you could potentially end up with a nasty infection. 

‘There’s also a dangerous myth that stick and pokes are semi-permanent, but this isn’t true. I’ve done plenty of coverups over DIY tattoos!

‘Ink needs to be applied at a very precise depth in the skin – too shallow and it will fall out, too deep and it can blur and even cause scarring.’ 

Meanwhile a representative for the South City Market tattoo studio did not mince words when they warned: ‘Tattoo studios go through routine health and safety checks for hygiene and proper clinical waste disposal meaning we have to have a licence to preform tattooing.

‘You’re at risk of spreading seriously harmful diseases, it’s like performing minor surgery at home it’s definitely not a DIY activity.’

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