How to prevent energy bills soaring when you’re at home during lockdown

Online banking illustration
Keep your bills down during this time (Picture: Ella Byworth/ Shutterstock)

With everyone working and staying at home, energy bills are expected to increase.

Luckily, the weather has been warm, meaning you don’t need to have the heating on all the time, but you’re probably using your computer, TV, oven and lighting more.

Last week, found that 72% of the 2,000 people surveyed said they were using more energy during lockdown.

The extra use could increase bills by an average of £32.31 a month, which equates to £387 per year.

To keep your costs down, even when you’re staying in, we have some tips.

Only heat the rooms you need

You might be at home a lot more but you’re probably spending most of the day in one place. There’s no need to heat the rest of your house if you are spending all day in the place where your desk is. Turn off radiators in the rooms you aren’t using as much so if you do have the heating on, it’s not wasted.

Reach for extra layers

It can get cold sitting at your desk all day, even if the weather outside is warmer. It might seem obvious but reach for extra layers or a blanket before you turn the heating on. Just because it looks sunny outside, it’s ok to throw on a jumper and some extra socks at your desk.

Dust your light bulbs

If you notice your lights aren’t giving off enough light, give them a dust, rather than switching a lamp on. Lightbulbs collect dust over time, making them seem duller. Switch the light off, make sure it’s not to hot and wipe it with a cloth.

Switch suppliers

Are you really on the best deal? You might have fallen into a routine of just paying the bill every month without really thinking about it but use your time during lockdown to really compare and think about the best deal for you to see if you could save.

Beware of standby

At the end of the day, turn your computer off, rather than leaving it on standby. Similarly, if you aren’t using your TV, switch it off at the plug. Leaving things on standby wastes lots of electricity and it’s really simple to avoid.

Wash a full load and lower the temperature

Don’t be tempted to wash smaller loads of laundry just because you are at home every day. Wait until you have a full load to turn the machine on. And when it comes to the temperature, think about lowering it. It depends on the fabrics you are washing but most modern washing machines and laundry products can wash effectively at 30C.

Avoid the tumble dryer

With more time at home and a slower pace of life, you’re hopefully avoiding that last minute wash of your favourite outfit for a big night out right now, so take time to air dry your clothes rather than turning to the tumble dryer.

If you have some outside space, hang them out to leave your laundry smelling fresh. Even drying inside on a clothes airer will be more efficient than a tumble dryer.

Bleed your radiators

When life is busy, you can forget little jobs like bleeding your radiators, but now you’re at home, make an effort to go around them all. You need to turn the heating on and your radiators up full to create pressure but only so they get slightly warm. Once they are slightly warm, turn the heating off and wait for them to cool.

Grab a radiator key (available from hardware shops) and put a bowl with a towel underneath. Open the valve with the key and let the air out. Once the hissing sound stops, you might see a trickle of water. Tighten the valve up again and turn the heating on to check if it’s been successful.

A properly bleed radiator will heat the room much more efficiently and hopefully mean you won’t have to have it on for as long.

Make the most of natural light

Work in a room with lots of natural light. You might need to move your desk around a bit to make sure you are getting the most of it throughout the day. Keep blinds and curtains open to let the sunlight in so you can avoid turning any lights on.

Upgrade to efficient light bulbs and appliances

If you haven’t already switched to energy-efficient light bulbs, stock up now and when your current light goes, switch to one that will use less power. They last around 25 times longer.

If some of your other appliances are coming to the end of their life and you are going to replace them, use this time to search for some efficient options.

MORE: Coronavirus UK: Do you have to pay household bills during Covid-19 lockdown, and what help is there if you’re struggling?

MORE: Emergency help for people to pay energy bills through coronavirus crisis

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