Amsterdam restaurant serves guests in individual greenhouses to allow social distancing

Who knows what restaurants will look like when they eventually reopen.

Even when lockdown is over, it’s likely there will need to be some social distancing for a while to prevent more cases of coronavirus.

But one restaurant in Amsterdam is trying out something that they think might be a solution.

Mediamatic ETEN is offering a four-course vegetarian menu, served to diners as they sit in individual greenhouses.

People have dinner in a so-called quarantine greenhouses in Amsterdam
Dine in individual greenhouses (Picture: Robin VAN LONKHUIJSEN /ANP/AFP)

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Those who are isolating in household groups (no larger than three) are able to go out together and share a greenhouse.

At the minute, it’s a trial and they are offering it to friends and family of staff, but they are hoping to open again on May 21.

Waiters wear gloves and face shields to try to stop any contamination between staff and diners.

Dishes are served on long boards, which can be slid onto the table from outside.

Amsterdam greenhouse restaurant
Food is served on long boards (Picture: Reuters)

They hope to build larger greenhouses for bigger household groups if the idea works.

Willem Velthoven, Mediamatic’s founder, told the NL Times: ‘This was one of the most feasible ideas from a large list of ideas we had when brainstorming. We only had tickets for June and the last week of May online and they are now all sold out.’

Restrictions have started to be relaxed in The Netherlands but people are still told to stay 1.5 metres apart, and it will be compulsory to wear a non-medical face mask on public transport from June 1.

Elsewhere, a restaurant in Sweden is tackling social distancing by serving just one guest a day and using a basket slid down a rope to deliver food and prevent contact.

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