Porn company sends high tech cameras to performers so they can work from home

 Adult film actress Ariana Marie appears at the Vixen Angel booth during the 2017 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
LA-based porn brand Vixen is asking its performers to work from home (Photo by Gabe Ginsberg/FilmMagic)

Many brands are having to adjust how they do business amid the current coronavirus pandemic.

Zara, for example, has asked their models to advertise clothes from home.

And now even porn brands are getting in on the action.

While most of us are under lockdown, porn websites are probably seeing more demand than ever before.

But of course, they can no longer shoot videos due to social distancing rules.

So one company, Vixen, has decided to ask their adult entertainers to work from home.

It doesn’t mean that you’ll be seeing lots of phone camera quality videos with bad lighting or anything though, Vixen Media Group is actually sending their models high-tech equipment so they can replicate their usual videos.

The adult media group is offering performers packages of equipment and props, worth as much as $250,000 (£191,756).

That means fans don’t lose out on raunchy content and sex workers manage to make an income during these precarious times.

Man watching erotic movie on computer at night.
It’ll allow sex workers to continue making an incole (Credits: Shutterstock / Dmitri Ma)

Only selected porn stars will get the packages and be paid directly for the content they produce.

The videos they shoot will feature in the company’s brand new series titled Intimates.

Kayden Kross, the group’s director said in a press release: ‘Vixen Media Group has always been known for promoting the art of adult performance and unprecedented quality.

‘We aim to showcase models’ beauty through content that stands above the rest, and we remain committed to these values as the day-to-day operations of our production team shifts.’

Young sexy woman wearing lingerie
The brand is sending high-tech equipment so performers can shoot high quality videos (Credits: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

It’s certainly a welcome move considering sex workers have been struggling to make income since lockdown measures have been implemented around the world.

In countries like India, the loss of income has flung workers into poverty and deprivation.

In Mexico too, some of the most marginalised have ended up homeless due to a lack of income.

While we may not be able to help them directly, we can try to protect them by staying at home and ensuring the lockdown doesn’t go on for longer than necessary.

And at least there’s some good porn to watch too.

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