My boyfriend and I had a threesome on Zoom

An illustration of three people, a woman and two men
‘Physically, we were missing a third party but having sex on screen while watching someone else get off on it is an exciting novelty’ (Picture: Ella Byworth for

It’s not often you have the pleasure of partaking in and watching your very own porn film – but that’s exactly what happened to me and my boyfriend.

A year ago, while out in Switzerland, we met Marianne*, a dancer. We had a threesome after all locking lips during a wild club night. She’s a tiny, blonde-haired, blue-eyed babe – my boyfriend’s usual type and physically, nothing like me. She also happens to be funny and incredibly intelligent, so much so that we’ve since become friends. 

I should preface this next part by saying that we’ve actively and enthusiastically talked about having a threesome again since our night together in Zurich. Jealousy gets me going and seeing my boyfriend with another woman makes me desire him even more. Our sex life was already pretty hot, but the night we had with Marianne added fuel to the fire. 

After our threesome, we stayed in touch by sending naughty texts to her and inevitably, she booked a flight to London.

But as lockdown measures came into place, she decided not to board the flight. Instead, we ended up meeting virtually on Zoom, when she hosted a lockdown dance class. At first, it was just our way of checking in with each other – I would never have imagined that an app used for video conference calls could facilitate my long-awaited threesome under quarantine.

There were four of us to begin with, each in a different part of the world, each in our living rooms, and three of us following the class.

My boyfriend was not involved at this point, but he was watching Marianne on screen, following her body dance across the laptop in real time. And suddenly, there was the jealousy, in the same place I’d left it at the last threesome. Once Marianne’s mates had dropped out of the Zoom call, I decided to heat things up. Perhaps it was a way of taking back some control.

‘There’s someone else here watching you,’ I told her.

Once my boyfriend was on camera, things only sped up. Physically, we were missing a third party but having sex on screen while watching someone else get off on it is an exciting novelty.

I wasn’t at all nervous, more tingling with excitement. It all happened so organically and fast that I didn’t have a moment to even consider being nervous.

However, the threesome we had planned didn’t quite happen as we’d wanted. The Zoom cut out half-way through and we had to awkwardly scrabble to reconnect. After it, there was a moment of feeling silly, naked and on screen.

‘Do we get dressed now?’ ‘Is it rude to turn off the camera?’ I wondered. I suddenly felt self-conscious and dirty – a bit like I’d been caught watching porn. 

There’s also a huge element of performance when you’re on camera, even more so when it’s live. The exhibitionist in me played up to this and I positioned my body in the way I liked to watch it, all the while watching my boyfriend watch Marianne.

But it has its downsides too; the pressure to perform meant I didn’t climax (he did).

It has fed fantasies we thought we’d have to put off until this period of social distancing is over

But I don’t really mind that because the virtual ménage à trois has spiced up our sex life in lockdown. 

It was also slightly odd when we had ‘finished’ – our first threesome had ended in three-way cuddles, a walk and hugs goodbye. This one ended with my boyfriend excusing himself to rush off and have a shower while Marianne and I got back to actually catching up.

I grabbed a hoodie and repositioned myself in my favourite cosy spot on the couch, and got over the sense of embarrassment quite fast. There was a sense of conviviality with Marianne – a sort of tightening of our friendship and a sense that we’re extremely similar.

It felt nice to have a good chat, because it secured our relationship as friends, as well as occasional hook-ups.

The experience has also fed fantasies that I thought my boyfriend and I would have to put off until this period of social distancing is over. 

Seeing him in his joggers, scrolling through Instagram and watching endless clips of Match of the Day had put the breaks on my sex drive. Seeing my partner all revved up over another girl has changed that.

Marianne’s since texted me to join another dance class. Maybe we’ll all keep our clothes on for this one, but who knows. I’m kind of hoping we won’t. 

*Names have been changed.

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