How to reduce nightmares and vivid dreams during coronavirus lockdown

Illustration of two people lying in bed together
Are you worried about your nightmares? (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Life has changed for everyone with the outbreak of coronavirus and it might be upsetting your sleep routine.

Many people are reporting that they are suffering from nightmares and vivid dreams during this anxious time.

It can be difficult to deal with intense dreams, particularly if they are about the current situation and they feel very realistic.

Even though you understand they are not real, it can feel quite traumatic.

I had a dream about my boyfriend, who is a key worker in London, while I am isolating elsewhere with my parents, dying from the virus and even when I woke up, chatted to him on the phone and knew he was perfectly fine, I struggled to shake the feeling from the dream.

Dr Ali Shakir, a psychotherapist at Harley Street Health Centre, explains it is perfectly normal to have unusual dreams during times like these.

He tells ‘Whenever there is a crisis like the current coronavirus and all the quick changes that have come with it, our stress levels automatically increase as our structure and routine change.

‘We experience an increase in our demands and decrease in our capabilities. This causes anxiety and triggers the unconscious mind into fight or flight mode.

‘Because all dreams originate and are created in our unconscious mind, it can produce bad dreams and nightmares when the unconscious is in a state of panic and anxiety.’

Although you can never guarantee you won’t have nightmares (they are from your unconscious after all), there are some things you can do to try to reduce them.

Sleep illustration
Keep a good sleep routine (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Dr Ali adds: ‘The best way to deal with this is to reduce the level of stress. My suggestion for everyone is to start with your thinking, with acceptance. You need to accept that this reality is outside of my control.

‘Tell yourself “There is nothing I can do about changing it, but I can change how I am responding to it and dealing with it. That is within my control”.

‘Work on your thinking and take back control by establishing a new structure. Laugh a lot and try to create good times whenever possible during this period.’

Having a good sleep routine is also really important, especially as you might have let it slide now you are working at home.

‘It is easy to get side-tracked and go to bed later than we would if we were to wake up and commute to work the next morning,’ Dr Ali says.

‘But as part of your routine, it is really important that you also have a set time when you go to bed. Eat a healthy and light meal at least three hours before going to bed and do not look at any screens for at least an hour (or more, preferably) before sleeping.’

It can be tempting to constantly read news and information and while it is very important to keep up to date with the changing situation, try to avoid reading anything in the two hours before going to sleep.

James Wilson, aka The Sleep Geek, also recommends thinking about what you are watching just before bedtime.

He says: ‘If you are watching the news, or discussing the coronavirus crisis with family this could be raising your stress levels.

‘Additionally even watching, listening or reading something that gets the brain whirring such as true crime, or an engrossing drama won’t be helping.

‘Watch something relaxing, like tour favourite Rom-Com, or something trashy like Tiger King or Love Is Blind!’

When you get into bed, try to make yourself as relax as possible before you sleep.

Dr Ali says: ‘I’d recommend that you prepare your unconscious mind by deep breathing for a minute or two followed by creating pleasant thoughts and going into a nice place with your mind before you bed down.

Image of a bedroom with an illustration of a person in a blue t-shirt and purple trousers sitting on top of the bed with their back turned to the reader
Don’t dwell on dreams when you wake up (Picture: Ella Byworth for

‘Create a nice image in your mind, say kind words and a few positive affirmations whilst you are relaxed and then sleep on them in that state. This way you are priming your unconscious mind into a different thinking mode.’

You might wake in the middle of the night and find that you’re unable to get back to sleep because of what you dreamt about.

James explains: ‘When we wake up from a bad dream often our heart is pounding and our mind is racing. As far as your body is concerned it has been under attack and has gone into fight or flight mode.

‘Trying to go back to sleep in these circumstances can be very difficult and even if you do fall back to sleep, the sleep can be really disturbed. I would suggest you need to drop your heart rate.

‘I find the best way to do this is to listen to something, rather than read, or watch something. A spoken word book of a book you have already read is a great idea as you know what is going to happen. We are trying to let your mind wander, so your heart rate drops and sleep comes again.

‘If you sleep alone, you could do this in bed; if you sleep next to someone, and them being asleep annoys you I would get out of bed and go into another room to do this.’

And the next morning, if you feel upset about your dream, Dr Ali says it is important to remind yourself that it wasn’t real.

He says: ‘Because your conscious mind sleeps but your unconscious mind does not, when you wake up in the morning, it is only normal sometimes to feel down.

‘Look around and say good morning to the people near you, or just to yourself if you live alone. Start with a smile and comforting thoughts that “I am in my home, I am blessed. Everyone is safe.”

‘Count your blessings in the morning. Don’t talk about any nightmares and don’t try to interpret them. Accept them as just dreams and normalise your feelings about them. Learn the habit of not sharing bad dreams as you only reinforce them.’

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MORE: Why the coronavirus pandemic is wrecking your sleep – and how to sort it

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