Kitten with twisted legs and bear ears gets a new foster home

Kitten with a cupcake
Just look at that face (Picture: Friends for Life Rescue Network)

In early April, a kitten with twisted legs and bear ears was brought to an animal rescue in Los Angeles.

The Friends for Life Rescue Network took the sweet kitty in and asked foster volunteers whether they’d be up for taking the cat in.

Mel Lamprey and her husband Zane stepped up to the plate and decided to foster the kitten – naming her Quill.

Quill, who was born with contracted ligaments and tendons in both front wrists, causing her legs to twist, immediately took to her new parents.

She now goes to therapy a few times a day to correct her legs.

The gorgeous kitty may have a small stature but she continues to boss her therapy sessions every day.

Soon she’s going to have weekly splints to give her a better range of motions in her legs.

Quill is unfazed by all the exercise and purrs away like any other kitten, seeking plenty of cuddles from her mum and dad.

Cute brown kitten
We want her (Picture: Friends for Life Rescue Network)

‘She’s silly, curious, sweet, and a foster daddy’s girl. She has him wrapped around her tiny fingers,’ cat mum Mel told LoveMeow.

Quill’s favourite spot to sleep is Zane’s beard and she is content just snuggling up on his neck.

‘Foster dad always swoops in like the hero after a (physical therapy) session and cuddles her,’ adds Mel.

Though she may be small, she has no trouble squeaking up to her parents demanding some extra hugs.

Picture: Friends for Life RescueNetwork Kitten with twisted legs finds her forever home
She’s just a bit bigger than that cupcake (Picture: Friends for Life Rescue Network)

The love bug was a mere 16 ounces when she came to the shelter but continues to grow every day.

She also has a big step brother Chester – another cat fostered by Mel and Zane.

Chester is loving his role as big bro and plays with Quill all the time, protecting her and grooming her.

‘He walked right up and sat next to her like they were best friends,’ says Mel.

Quill just had her first Easter holiday with her family and loved posing with lots of stuffed animals on a cute little basket.

What a beautiful kitty.

MORE: Man adopts tiny kitten to tackle loneliness during coronavirus lockdown

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