Creative couple go on daily walks wearing historical outfits including Tudor and medieval costumes

Couple dressed in historical attire
Like something out of a painting (Credits: Prior Attire / SWNS)

A couple who create bespoke period costumes for museums and re-enactors have incorporated their passion into their daily walks.

Izabela Pitcher, 45, and her husband Lucas, 51, have dressed in their own historical costumes while doing their daily government-sanctioned exercise.

They’ve covered eras including Georgian, Tudor, and late medieval.

The couple refer to their walks as ‘costume constitutionals’ which they do at the same time each day so that their neighbours can watch them from their windows.

Izabela and Lucas, from Milton Keynes, run period costume shop Prior Attire, providing historically accurate clothes for museums and cosplayers.

The couple has so far done seven ‘costume constitutionals’ during the coronavirus lockdown.

And they say that their neighbours have stood at the window to watch and try to guess what era they are dressed as each day.

Azabela Pitcher and her husband Lucas in C17th attire.
Guess the century they’re from (Credits: Prior Attire / SWNS)

Izabela said: ‘It’s been really uplifting to have people get involved.

‘The village we live in is really tiny, so we kept seeing people through their windows looking worried and a bit sad.

‘We thought, why not cheer them up?

‘I think we’ve met more people through doing this than we have in the last year – although from a safe distance, of course.

‘They will stand at their windows and have a guess what era we are dressed as. It’s good for kids, too, because it’s like a little bit of homework for them,” Izabela joked.’

Azabela Pitcher and her husband Lucas in 1890's Constitutional attire.
Can you guess the era? (Credits: Prior Attire / SWNS)

The couple makes costumes for museum or re-enactment events, but all of of their spring and summer events have now been cancelled because of the virus.

So their outfits are sitting in the wardrobe – but they still have to be taken out of storage, looked after, cleaned and properly maintained.

Izabela added: ‘It’s nice to actually be able to wear the stuff rather than having it sitting in the wardrobe.

‘We have enough outfits to be able to keep doing this for the next two weeks, at least.’

Residents say the Pitchers’ performances have become the highlight of their day during lockdown.

Azabela Pitcher and her husband Lucas period costume on their daily walk.
New day, new costume (Credits: Prior Attire / SWNS)

And even a delighted neighbourhood police officer has praised the couple and posted photos on social media of the couple on different days.

The officer said: ‘In one of my beautiful villages, a couple have been dressing up in historical period costumes when they go out for their daily walk.

‘What a fab idea to brighten up the day. Residents are waiting for them at their windows and in their gardens, trying to guess the historical periods – from a safe distance, of course.’

To follow the couple’s ‘costume constitutionals’, or get involved in guessing the eras, visit the Prior Attire Facebook page.

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