Artist draws all types of key workers including NHS and supermarket staff to honour them

Drawing of all types of key workers
What a great drawing (Picture: Khadija Sajid)

We’ve all been clapping for the NHS to show our appreciation for them during the coronavirus pandemic.

There are other heroes in this strange and uncertain time too – supermarket workers, delivery drivers, TFL staff and more.

So one artist has decided to honour all the different types of people helping the country to keep running.

Khadija Sajid, from London, has gone viral for her artwork celebrating the key workers who continue to put themselves on the frontline.

The 21-year-old asked for people to send in their selfies at work and drew them by hand.

When she revealed the finished product on Instagram, her beautiful work was shared widely.

Khadija also took the opportunity to remind people of the importance of staying home to really honour these key workers.

She wrote on her Instagram: ‘This is my celebration of the workforce. But the best way to celebrate them is to protect them.

‘Thank you for all you do, always.’

Drawing of NHS doctors who died from Coronavirus
Khadija also honoured some of the first doctors who died of the virus, all of whom were Muslim (Picture: Khadija Sajid)

The student received hundreds of selfies and is still getting them from key workers around the world.

The artwork she managed to create was done in four days while juggling her dissertation.

Khadija explained to ‘I asked myself why we wait for people to die to celebrate them or recognise their work? 

‘I wanted to celebrate those key workers now. I also wanted to humanise them. Art is one medium that is frequently used to cope, especially during such an uncertain time like this. It’s easy to feel helpless so this was my own way of trying to say thank you to these workers and the incredible work they do.

‘The reception has been unbelievable. I’ve received messages that have warmed and broken my heart all at once. I realised that for a few people featured it was a surprise for them after long, sad shifts and they couldn’t express how much it had meant to be recognised for the work they do.’

Artwork saying 'protect NHS staff'
She told her followers that the best way to celebrate the NHS was to protect them by staying home (Picture: Khadija Sajid)

Khadija also drew tributes to the first four doctors who died from the virus, all of whom were Muslim.

Her work is also political as she uses it to frame her anger over the government’s response to the pandemic, namely the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE).

She added: ‘I’ve received harrowing stories of how key workers have crafted their own makeshift protective equipment to keep safe. A woman sent in a selfie of her crying from how red and raw her face was from using a face mask for long hours.

‘As the key worker death toll rises, the language of heroism has enabled this government to reframe negligence as a celebration of their “sacrifice”, as if death is the natural side effect to the work they do’. 

Khadija hopes to keep pointing out the inequalities revealed by the virus and plans to draw to shed light on these.

‘I’m not done yet and the more stories I receive, the more determined I feel to continue sharing them’. 

MORE: Artist creates surreal miniature scenes inspired by the coronavirus pandemic

MORE: My Quarantine Routine: Vicky, an artist who had been at home for four weeks before lockdown due to a knee operation

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