Teenager who enjoys extreme body modifications has 20 face piercings and tattooed eyeballs

 Body modification lover Chiara, 18, showing the camera her 20 facial piercings and tattooed eyeballs.
Chiara has 20 facial piercings (Picture: Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

An 18-year-old woman with over 20 facial piercings and tattooed eyeballs says that she doesn’t regret any of her modifications.

Body-modification lover Chiara, from Rome, got her first piercing when she was 11 years old.

Since then, she has had around 40 more modifications – including over 20 facial piercings, 12 scarifications, two brandings, six subdermal implants and tattooed eyeballs.

Scarifications involve cutting the skin with designs or words in order to create a permanent scar resembling a tattoo.

‘My need for modification is not dictated by the need for attention or to be seen at all costs. It’s a personal need,’ explained Chiara.

‘Everything I do, I do it for myself.’

One of her most extreme facial modifications is in her lower lip, which has been stretched to four centimetres.

Close up of body modification lover Chiara
She also has tattooed eyeballs (Picture: Barcroft Media)

Chiara says she doesn’t care what people think about it as it pleases her.

‘I didn’t start with the idea of having all this done. I was more discreet, but with time I started liking more things.

‘If I didn’t feel at peace with myself I wouldn’t keep doing this. This is all very natural to me, I don’t have regrets.’

Many of the piercings Chiara has undergone were carried out herself or by her boyfriend, Michele.

The pair met through their shared love for modifications when Chiara visited Michele’s piercing studio. They became a couple over a year later.

With her boyfriend Michele, who she met through her passion for piercings (Picture: Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

Chiara’s tattooed eyeballs were also performed by Michele – this was the first time he had ever performed such a procedure on anybody. But luckily, Chiara says, things went smoothly.

He also helped her with labia stretching – lengthening the inner lips of the vagina through manual pulling or physical equipment such as weights.

 Body modification lover Chiara sits on the sofa with her boyfriend Michele, who she met through her passion for piercings.
Michele helps with some of the modifications (Picture: Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

On the subject of performing modifications, Michele said: ‘The fact that you’re working on someone is intimate. They’re granting you access to their body so you must act respectfully.

‘My favourite modification that I’ve done on her is a project that we had for quite a while. A little, intimate project.

‘We stretched her labia minora and later we put some implants on her labia majora. But I think in the end, after some ups and downs, she’s happy with it.’

Chiara added: ‘I have a bit of a limp, but whatever.’

Is labia stretching dangerous?

According to News Medical, the risks of labial stretching would appear to be minimal, being mostly limited to itching and mild pain at the time of initial stretching.

Some researchers have reported contradictory findings such as significant swelling, mild bleeding from the minor cuts and sores that occur during the initial sessions, and occasional reports of neurosensitivity as a result of hypertrophic labia. There is no increased chance of transmitting sexual infections

Chiara’s mother Samantha is overall very supportive of her daughter’s look, but worries about how she will be perceived by others.

Samatha said: ‘My only worry was about society as they judge by appearance.

‘It’s a passion that anyone can have and that doesn’t mean that it changes you as a person.’

 Body modification lover Chiara, 18 (left), sits on a park bench with her boyfriend Michele, who works as a professional body piercer. A
Chiara is used to people staring (Picture: Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

Chiara enjoys looking different and is used to the stares in public.

‘I’m happy about what I am now and this is important.’

Chiara said: ‘Often when I notice people looking at me, I go, “What’s up? Am I dirty? Have I got something on me?”

‘Then I think, “Ah, that’s right”.

(Picture: Barcroft Media via Getty Images)

‘But it’s inevitable that everywhere I go there’s someone pointing at me or someone talking about me.

‘Sneaky photos are one of the worst things. Ask me! I won’t say no, just ask me.’

Chiara’s future bod-mod goals include implants in her scalp, titanium horns and silicone implants in her forehead.

She added: ‘Wherever you go, people say nasty things to you. But I don’t feel the need to justify myself to anyone.

‘When I look in the mirror I see myself, I see everything I’ve always wanted to be.’

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/11/teenager-enjoys-extreme-body-modifications-20-face-piercings-tattooed-eyeballs-12381096/?ITO=squid
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