Take trans kids seriously – they know what they want

Parent kissing child on forehead
More kids coming out as trans is simply because we are living in a society that is more accepting (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

For trans people, your childhood and teenage years can be some of the hardest you have to face. 

I remember the disconnect I felt from everyone around me and my own body as I hit puberty. Many teenagers feel bad about how they look, but this was something entirely different. 

It is near impossible to describe that feeling. 

It’s not that you’re just going through physical changes you don’t really understand, but those changes are in such deep conflict with who you are and how you want to be seen. 

While most of my friends spent their teenage years discovering themselves, I spent mine isolating myself and hiding away. 

Something that is so often forgotten in the discussion around trans children’s rights is that all trans people were kids once. We remember what it was like growing up being trans while being unable to articulate it or do anything about it. 

It simply wasn’t possible back then and it’s only been during the past decade or so that trans kids and teenagers have been able to step forward and find support. 

That’s why it is so horrible to see trans children and teenagers still having to face a barrage of misinformation and fear, whether that be in the media or from people they encounter in their lives. 

These conversations and ‘debates’ are routinely had by people who aren’t trans, by medical professionals that aren’t directly involved in trans related health care, or groups known for their anti-trans views. It means that people’s opinions on the matter aren’t actually informed by those affected. 

Trans kids themselves rarely get a voice (even though it shouldn’t be up to them to defend their existence) but it is them and their supportive families who are best placed to know what is right for them. They’re the ones living it. 

Anyone else’s opinion shouldn’t even factor in here. 

I didn’t know it was possible to be transgender when I was teen

For those who worry that children are being ‘influenced’ to come out as trans, you needn’t. 

Just like we’ve seen an increase in kids coming out as gay or bisexual, there is also an increase in kids coming out as transgender. The same goes for things such as left-handedness – there are now more people than ever left-handed.

That’s not because people are being influenced to be left-handed: it’s because it’s accepted and they are no longer treated with suspicion or beaten into writing with their right hands. 

More kids coming out as trans is simply because we are living in a society that is more accepting (although, writing this article in the first place proves there is much more to be done) and offers more opportunities for people to be themselves, which most trans adults didn’t have growing up. 

I didn’t know it was possible to be transgender when I was teen, and if I had seen positive representation of trans people in popular media, or even if I had met a trans person, that would have been life-changing for me. 

Again, this is not because I would have been ‘influenced’, but I would have seen myself reflected. 

If the amazing trans women and non-binary people who are given a platform today had been awarded the same when I was growing up, I would have been able to live my life according to who I am much sooner. I also would have been able to, with the right care, prevent many of the physical changes I went through during puberty. 

And that’s precisely why puberty blockers are so important for trans teenagers. They allow them to continue growing up without the distress and agony of their body changing in a way that negatively affects their mental and physical well-being. 

Trans adults today are living testaments that transitioning is life-saving for thousands of people all around the world

Harvard research has found that young transgender people have a much higher risk for anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts – in the case of depression they are more than twice as likely to develop it than their cisgender peers.  I believe this is because so often trans teens lack the support to be themselves.

In a 2011 study, which gave 70 young trans people between age 12 and 16 puberty blockers, researchers found that ‘behavioural and emotional problems and depressive symptoms decreased’. After the study, all participants continued with puberty blockers and all continued the process to gender reassignment. 

More recently, in January of this year a study by medical journal Pediatrics found that those who received puberty blockers were less likely to experience depression and were at lower risk of suicide. 

Even if a young person was to come off blockers, puberty resumes, according to the NHS. Blockers are provided by medical professionals and no steps are taken without careful consideration of everyone involved. Young people who have been given blockers have to continue meeting with the Gender Identity Development Service to monitor their impact.

Trans adults today are living testaments that transitioning is life-saving for thousands of people all around the world. 

That’s why it’s so important that we support and allow kids to express themselves and feel comfortable about who they are, whatever their gender, expression or orientation might be. 

Anything else would be doing them a disservice and ignoring the evidence and personal stories that show that transgender people (and LGBTQIA people in general) who have access to the right support at the right time are much happier. 

So if you have concerns or are worried about young people and teenagers, I encourage you to listen to their experiences and even spend time with them. 

It will help you understand them better and will show how important it is to support children for who they are, and the joy they receive when we do. 

It truly is remarkable, if you allow yourself to really listen and see it. 

All About Trans, in collaboration with photographer Amanda Searle, will be hosting a photo exhibition at the BFI Film Flare festival, highlighting the experiences of transgender people growing up and their messages to their younger selves and young people growing up today.

The exhibition will be on display throughout the festival, from the 18-29 March 2020.

Do you have a story you’d like to share? Get in touch by emailing platform@metro.co.uk

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/11/trans-adults-kids-12378002/?ITO=squid
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