We got a doctor’s take on the new Bobbi Brown wellness supplements

bobbi brown wellness supplements on a colourful background
Bobbi Brown’s new line (Picture: Boots)

One of the biggest names in the beauty industry has turned her sights to the world of wellness.

Bobbi Brown has launched a new range of wellness supplements, which come in the form of flavourless capsules, chewable gummies and add-to-food powders.

The line – titled Evolution 18 – is available at Boots and most products are priced at £25 and under.

The supplements claim to deliver on the minerals, vitamins and more.

But does a makeup expert really know the ins and outs of health supplements?

We’ve asked Dr Najia Shaikh – medical director at One Skin Clinic – for her thoughts on some of the new supplements and which ones, in particular, stand out.

Evolution 18 Beauty Powder

Bobbi Brown collagen blend
This one can be added to food and drink (Picture: Boots)

The Evolution website says this product blends more than 30 different fruits and vegetables, for the perfect cocktail of protein, fibre and healthy fats.

Dr Najia says...

Collagen supplements can help with lines and wrinkles while simultaneously improving the plumpness and firmness of the skin.

They can work if taken regularly in the form of hydrolysed collagen, as this supplement contains, in the dose 3000-10,000mg.

You should expect to see a difference within 3 months. This supplement, however, contains only 14 servings so you would need to purchase at least 6 jars, which would work out at £150 and therefore a significant investment.

The verdict: You’ll need to buy more than one jar to see the effects – so it could get expensive.


Evolution 18 Beauty Gummy

Bobbi Brown gummy supplement
This one is berry-flavoured (Picture: Boots)

These gummies claim to help with hair and nail growth because they are packed full of biotin – also known as vitamin H or vitamin B.

Dr Najia says...

These gummies contain 20,000% NRV of Biotin (also known as vitamin B7) which is involved in the infrastructure of keratin so helps with hair and nail health.

For most people however, biotin deficiency is extremely rare as it’s widely available in foods and is produced by bacteria in the intestine.

2000% NRV of biotin is a very high dose, however biotin overdose/toxicity is rare because excess levels of the vitamin get excreted from the body.

The verdict: The jury is out on this one.


Evolution 18 Beauty Glow

Bobbi Brown is releasing a new wellness supplement line
This one says it hydrates and repairs skin (Picture: Boots)

According to the website, this supplement is a two-in-one – a ‘beauty pill meets multivitamin’. It says it helps repair skin, giving an overall healthy and glowing appearance.

Dr Najia says...

These capsules contain vitamin C, which when taken orally, helps with collagen synthesis and also enhances the effectiveness of sunscreen applied to the skin by decreasing cell damage and helping with the healing process of wounds.

It also contains vitamin E which helps with hydration and reduces inflammation. The product also contains hyaluronic acid which can be ingested and helps with both the hydration and plumpness of skin.

The verdict: Seems promising.

Evolution 18 Beauty Grow

Bobbi Brown grow supplement
The Grow supplement contains a mix of vitamins, minerals, and collagen.(Picture: Boots)

These pills contain a blend of collagen, keratin, and biotin to help with hair, skin and nail protection.

Dr Najia says...

These contain hydrolysed collagen and biotin which both have a positive impact on skin, hair and nail health.

The added L-gluthatione is a powerful antioxidant which helps oxidative damage and can help prevent signs of ageing. However, oral ingestion of L-glutathione may not be as effective as when its given intravenously (shots or IV).

The ingredients also state that it includes soluble keratin, however, currently there isn’t much data on the efficacy and safety of oral keratin for hair and nails.

The verdict: Dr Najia seems sceptical on these – particularly the oral form.

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source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/09/we-got-a-doctors-take-on-the-new-bobbi-brown-wellness-supplements-12025544/

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