Volunteers around the world are sewing pouches for animals affected by Australian bushfires

Volunteers around the world are sewing pouches for animals affected by Australian bushfires
A beautiful global effort (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)

The Australian bushfires have caused a devastating impact on wildlife and their habitats.

As a result, koalas, kangaroos, and even bats have been displaced, injured and left without their family members.

When Aussie rescue group Animal Rescue Craft Guild (ARCG) put out a call for materials to help these poor creatures, donations poured in.

People sent in pouches, blankets, mittens, sweaters, and materials for nests for orphans such as kangaroo joeys, bats, and sugar gliders.

The guild works across five states in the country and volunteers are given templates and free rein to create as many items as they can.

The items are then donated to rescue centers taking the animals in.

Knitted kangaroo in one one of the doanted pouches
People in their droves have been creating pouches for displaced and orphaned animals (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)

Just a year ago, when the group started, it had 1,000 volunteers. But after the tragedy of the bushfires, membership has soared to nearly 170,000.

Sarah Rollings, one of the members who manages the group, tells Metro.co.uk that they’re overwhelmed by the support.

She said: ‘We are very humbled by the amount of people willing to help us. It’s a level of support we never imagined, back in October when there were 1,200 of us crafting away.

‘Today, we are at over 154,000 people all pledging to pitch in and give us a hand.’

Beds for Australian displaced animals
Animal beds have been created (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)

The ARCG is in constant contact with animal carers who have registered with them.

As soon as they get requests for an item, the ARCG goes through their inventory and send carers what they need.

If the guild doesn’t have what they need, members issue a callout for the specific item and the crafting community gets to work.

At the moment, larger-sized kangaroo hanging day or night bags are needed as well as large size pouches with liners. These are items that take a lot of fabric and are not constantly supplied.

Sarah is based in Canberra – the closet fire to her is the Braidwood and Batemans Bay fire zone, approximately 1.5 hours drive from her house.

Donations of pouches for animals affected by Australian bushfires
The group has seen membership skyrocket (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)

‘This year’s fire season has come early and caught us, somewhat by surprise,’ she added.

‘But as Aussies do, we rallied together to craft items that are most in need.

‘We were also already helping carers impacted by the severe drought we going through too.’

Animal in blanket after being displaced due to Australian bushfire
Australia’s wildlife has been devastated by the fire (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)
Kangaroo hanging in an artificial pouch
Kangaroo pouches are needed (Picture: Animal Rescue Craft Guild)

‘Whilst the bushfire has attracted a lot of attention, it’s a 365-day need. We have carers all over Australia that need our crafted items.’

You can join the ARCG Facebook page to see which items are most in need and how to help out.

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MORE: What you can do to help people and animals in the Australian bushfires

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/09/volunteers-around-the-world-are-sewing-pouches-for-animals-affected-by-australian-bushfires-12028206/

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