‘She’s just a jerk’ – world’s worst cat up for adoption

‘She’s just a jerk’ – world’s worst cat up for adoption

'She's just a jerk' - world's worst cat up for adoption
You wake up in the night and see this. What you doin’? (Picture: Mitchell Animal Rescue)

A cat rescue centre have posted a hilarious advert asking people to adopt the ‘world’s worst cat’.

Mitchell Animal Rescue, located in North Carolina, shared pictures of Perdita on their Facebook page, with the caption: ‘We thought she was sick. Turns out she’s just a jerk.’

They stress that Perdita is the world’s worst cat for a number of reasons, the first being easy to see from her haunting pictures.

According to the staff at Mitchell, one of her main like is: ‘Staring into your soul until you feel as if you may never be cheerful again.’

Her other likes include:

  • The song Cat Scratch Fever
  • The movie Pet Cemetery (Church is her hero)
  • Jump scares (her specialty)
  • Lurking in dark corners
  • Being queen of her domicile
  • Fooling shelter staff into thinking she’s sick (vet agrees…she’s just a jerk)
'She's just a jerk' - world's worst cat up for adoption
Looks fine to us (Picture: Mitchell Animal Rescue)

In terms of dislikes, Perdita is not so fond of the following:

  • The color pink
  • Kittens (yuk they are so chipper)
  • Dogs
  • Children
  • The Dixie Chicks
  • Disney movies
  • Christmas and last but NOT least…HUGS

Clearly misunderstood Perdita is simply a goth in cat form, but due to her rather niche tastes she is being offered as a free adoption by the centre.

Despite this, she’s garnered an incredible response, with their post gaining 1,700 likes and 1,900 shares.

One commenter said: ‘Perdita does not suffer fools lightly. I think everyone at Mitchell County Animal Rescue are lucky she let you off light.’

'She's just a jerk' - world's worst cat up for adoption
Loving Christmas on the right (Picture: Mitchell Animal Rescue)

Another said: ‘Perdita is my entire mood this year. Official mascot of 2020.’

Although the shelter quite obviously meant the post as a joke, a few people have taken offence at the way Perdita was described.

The joke is really on them, because Perdita’s death stare has now raised $595 for the rescue home and got thousands of people talking about her.

If you live in the US and think she might be the right fit for your home, Mitchell Rescue say: ‘She’s single and ready to be socially awkward with a socially awkward human who understands personal space.

If interested please go to www.mitchellcountyanimalrescue.org to fill out an application.

source https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/23/just-jerk-worlds-worst-cat-adoption-12111139/

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