What I Rent: Vicki, £1,225 a month for a two-bedroom flat in Windsor

What I Rent - Vicki, £1,250 a month for a two-bedroom flat in Windsor
Vicki rents a two-bedroom flat (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

Our weekly series What I Rent takes you inside people’s rented properties to see what they get for what they pay – from the pricey London houseshares to the envy-inducing flats up north.

This time around we’re in Windsor with Vicki Psarias, the founder of Honest Mum and author of Mumboss.

Vicki is a blogger and mum-of-two renting in Windsor with her family despite owning a house in Yorkshire.

She’s keen to buy a house in Windsor but is renting a two-bedroom flat instead because she hasn’t been able to sell the house up north – a struggle she says is down to Brexit.

What I Rent - Vicki, a two-bedroom flat in Windsor
Vicki owns a house up north, but hasn’t been able to sell it (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

Hi, Vicki! How much do you pay to live here?

We pay £1,225 per month as we rented the property at a reduced rate. The apartment we rented before in Windsor was a lot more so we felt lucky when we found it.

Do you think you have a good deal?

Yes, we rented it in the summer during a quiet period so it was reduced considerably. We also looked at houses here too but opted for the flat as the location was ideal for the commute and we liked the interiors too.

It looked brand new when we visited, almost like a hotel, plus it’s in a gated property with lots of security so you feel safe living here.

I like that our neighbours are so friendly and you never feel alone. Plus, the Queen is our neighbour so you can’t get safer than that. Someone sent a parcel to Windsor Castle addressed to Honest Mum which made me laugh.

zebra slippers in Vicky's flat - What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Vicki would rather buy than rent, but says Brexit has stopped people from buying her home, meaning she has to rent for the time being (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

And you have another house that you own in Yorkshire – can you tell us about that?

Our property in Yorkshire is a detached four-bedroom house with a front and back garden and garage with access to shared gardens on our road too. The house is situated in a small village close to Harrogate.

We initially wanted to sell it when we first moved to Windsor two and a half years ago but felt it best we rented first to get a feel for the area and the schools, then buy.

Our tenant decided to stay on, too, so we continued renting here and letting there.

Then the full effects of Brexit took hold and while we’ve had offers on our house, the people offering to buy, can’t sell their own. We’ve got a new tenant in now and hope to put it back on the market in the spring.

We’re happy here but keen to move into a family home, a house in the area with a garden and greater space.

No one knows the outcome of Brexit currently and how it will affect is and that uncertainty has made the market unstable. People are not buying as easily nor are they able to sell. Many of us are in limbo.

So why are you renting in Windsor rather than living in the house you own in Yorkshire?

I went to uni in London and stayed so had lived in London for 11 years before moving back to Yorkshire when my first son was one.

My work was taking me to London two or three times a week (shoots, TV appearances etc) when we lived in Leeds and it was pretty tiring, so we decided to move as a family.

We adore Windsor, my school-run is by the river, we walk everywhere, and all settled here immediately.

books on the shelves What I Rent - Vicki
Vicki is a blogger and writer, so the flat is her office, too (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

Do you feel like you have enough space in the flat?

Yes. We chose it because the boys said they wanted to share a bedroom so it made sense.

We’d love a garden but we’re a two-minute walk from the park and the Long Walk in Windsor so we’re always outdoors. Another room would have been great but we made the choice to save money over space as we’d hoped to buy immanently.

I am happy with the flat, it’s in an amazing location and style-wise, the decor is minimalist and modern. Living here has made us all become incredibly organised so as to make the best of the space.

We’re ruthless with what we buy and keep here as while there’s some decent storage, space is more limited than our house in Yorkshire.

I’m constantly spring-cleaning and sorting, taking things to charity or passing on to friends and family.

I’d like to continue this approach when we move into a house. I’ve never been a hoarder but we definitely had more surplus items when we lived in Leeds.

paintings of our family as elephants
The two-bedroom flat functions as the family’s home until they’re able to buy in the area (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

How have you made the flat feel like home?

Paintings/prints, flowers and lots of family photos have made it homely. We haven’t hung paintings on the walls though, we lean them on the walls from cupboards so we don’t have to refill the holes and repaint when we move.

We’ve also been selective about furniture here, opting for items that would work when we move so lots of neutral pieces that will suit either a new build or an older home depending on what we buy. I will add statement walls and more colour once we move.

Have there been any issues with the flat?

No, it’s a new, well maintained property that is managed.

And when are you planning to move?

We would have liked to have bought and moved already, to be honest, so we’re hoping the new year will see a house sale for us in Yorkshire and a move into a house in Windsor or close by for us.

We’re happy here but excited for a new start and hopefully our forever home.

Shall we have a look around?

the entrance to vicki's two-bedroom flat in Windsor, what i rent
Welcome in (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
The open plan living, dining and kitchen area (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Look how comfy those sofas look (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Is that a Neom candle we spy? (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
what i rent vicki's two bedroom flat in windsor, the dining area
We like the rug (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What i rent vicki kitchen
The kitchen (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
vicki's son in his bedroom in vicki's two-bedroom flat in windsor, what i rent
Vicki’s sons wanted to share a room, so a two-bedroom flat works perfectly (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Is anyone else slightly jealous of the lofted beds? That was my dream when I was a kid (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
Vicki's bedroom in her two-bed flat in windsor, what i rent
And here’s Vicki’s room (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
And here’s where she works (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
We do like a good dressing table (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
And plants! (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Respect to Vicki for finding a way to store headbands (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Finally, here’s the bathroom (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
cat toilet brush in vicki's rented two-bedroom flat in Windsor
Can a toilet brush be cute? (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
(Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
Handy storage (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)
What I Rent - Vicki (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
And all the toothbrushes you’ve been waiting for (Picture: Jerry Syder for Metro.co.uk)

What I Rent is a weekly series that’s out every Tuesday at 10am. Check back next week to have a nose around another rented property.

How to get involved in What I Rent

What I Rent is Metro.co.uk's weekly series that takes you inside the places people are renting, to give us all a better sense of what's normal and how much we should be paying.

If you fancy taking part, please email whatirent@metro.co.uk.

You'll need to have pictures taken of your kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom, plus a few photos of you in your room. Make sure you get permission for your housemates!

You'll also need to be okay with sharing how much you're paying for rent, as that's pretty important.

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MORE: What I Rent: Carys and Jamie, £487.50 each a month for a one-bedroom flat in Hove

MORE: What I Rent: Vicky, £395 a month for a one-bedroom flat in Glasgow

source https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/03/rent-vicki-1225-month-two-bedroom-flat-windsor-11259356/
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