School adopts guinea pigs to help anxious and stressed pupils

A pupil with a guinea pig
Pupils are loving the guinea pigs (Picture: Warlingham School /SWNS.COM)

A school has brought in two members of ‘staff’ to help anxious and stressed pupils.

And no, they’re not new teachers – they’re a pair of guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs Rita and Delilah were introduced at the start of term at Warlingham School to provide a ‘distraction from worries’ for students whose anxiety is holding them back.

The 12-week-old fluffy pair have been a hit with pupils of all ages, and staff, at Warlingham School & Sixth Form Centre, in Warlingham, Surrey.

Pupils aged 11 to 18 with severe anxiety can stroke the ‘friendly’ pets in dedicated learning support sessions to help improve their focus.

The idea to trial the guinea pig therapy came after teaching assistant Helen Kurt brought her dog into school one day.

The guinea pigs
The guinea pigs are being used as therapy animals (Picture: Warlingham School /SWNS.COM)

Helen, 60, said: ‘The response from some of the children was quite positive. They got quite excited, so we thought, “why don’t we trial the guinea pigs?”‘

The teaching assistant teamed up with learning support worker Lucy Wakefield, 41, to research guinea pigs and the benefits of pet therapy.

They presented the idea to school leaders, who were initially hesitant about having pets in a school.

Head Paul Kinder said: ‘As a head, when you hear pets are coming into the school you immediately think twice.

‘But Lucy and Helen had done quite a lot of research into pet therapy and the statistical evidence soon convinced me.

‘I found out that pet therapy is one of the best ways of reducing stress.’

Paul, 44, added: ‘There is a well-publicised increase in anxiety among students nationwide.

Lucy with a guinea pig
We think it’s a great idea (Picture: Warlingham School /SWNS.COM)

‘Pet therapy is just one intervention alongside many others that we are now using in response to the issue.’

After a day getting settled into the school, the pair were introduced to pupils who queued to meet the furry pair.

Paul added: ‘The guinea pigs were so popular initially we had to control the viewings so the students did not overwhelm them.

‘Things have calmed down now, but stroking the guinea pigs continues to be a really effective way of helping our most anxious pupils.’

Lucy, who takes the pets home on the weekends, said: ‘The therapy sessions are really benefiting the pupils.

‘They are much happier, calmer and more able to focus.’

After researching the animals, Lucy found out that guinea pigs are best kept in pairs because they like the company.

She added: ‘They get on really well and are some of the most friendly guinea pigs you will find.

‘Rita is very relaxed. She has a funny way of looking at you. It’s like she is listening.

‘Delilah is a bit more inquisitive.

‘They both love the attention.’

Staff at Warlingham School are now collaborating with other schools in the area to spread the benefits of the calming practice.

Paul said: ‘We have an area heads meeting coming up, with mental health leads also attending.

‘We will present our experiences there to help promote the guinea pig therapy.’

Reflecting on expanding the school’s furry team, Paul added: ‘We are definitely going to make the trial a permanent aspect of our mental health approach at the school.

‘In terms of numbers, I think what we have is working really well for now.

‘Come back to me in five years and, we might have 15 goats and a giraffe roaming around. Who knows?’

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