Brazilian priest brings in stray dogs to Sunday mass so families can adopt them

Dog in front of Sunday service at Brazilian church
This sleeping doggy needs a forever home (Picture: Padre Joao Paulo Araujo Gomes)

It’s heartbreaking to see homeless dogs wander the streets, unloved and underfed.

In the city of Gravatá in Brazil, there are many stray dogs in need of a forever home. So, a priest has decided to invite the strays into his church and has made them a part of his service.

Father João Paulo Araujo Gomes who is the head of the parish of Santana brings them to mass in hopes to convince families to adopt them.

Forgotten doggos often wander into the church, hoping to meet their new owner.

And Father João does his best to make it happen.

The kind priest houses them at his rectory, ready to take them to Sunday service and show them off.

The dogs take centre stage at the service so potential new owners can watch them and fall in love.

Pooches, who sometimes fall asleep at the altar, are also down for some petting and belly rubs. If only all Sunday services included the lovable canines.

Dog standing in front of priest
Doggos are just attracted to Father João (Picture: Padre Joao Paulo Araujo Gomes)

Father João explained it started when someone had offered him cookies one day.

When he left them out in mass, they were quickly taken up by attendees. And that gave him an idea when he came across a dog kennel with 96 dogs.

He told ‘Then I began to bring the dogs to mass, with the same hopes of giving them away.

Dog at church during service
He can’t help but pet them during service (Picture: Padre Joao Paulo Araujo Gomes)

‘In six months, I finished this process. All dogs were adopted.

‘Now I work with street dogs. They sometimes come into the church looking for food and water.

‘During service, we speak about dogs of the street, about how to respect and protect them. The church also helps with a castration project (to limit the number of stray dogs).

‘We also help dogs in emergencies such as victims of violence or health problems.’

Dog sleeping in church
They sometimes fall asleep during mass (Picture: Padre Joao Paulo Araujo Gomes)
Priest with dogs
The priest even adopted three of the dogs himself (Picture: Padre Joao Paulo Araujo Gomes)

Thanks to the selfless priest, the number of strays has decreased substantially.

And hanging out with doggos so much, Father João couldn’t help but adopt some himself. He now has three canine friends who even share a bed with him.

MORE: Two sausage dogs make their relationship official with lavish wedding

MORE: Why you should ‘date’ rescue dogs before you decide to take them home

MORE: Can cats, dogs and other pets eat pumpkin seeds?

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